Friday, December 27, 2019

The Value Of Symbolic Analysts - 1110 Words

The Value of Symbolic Analysts Robert Reich categorizes America’s workforce into three distinct groups, routine producers, in-person servers, and symbolic analysts. Reich defines the first two groups as principally manual laborers, and the third group as people who work and create value using their minds. This would include occupations such as engineers, attorneys, scientists, professors, executives, et al. Symbolic analysts are objectively and quantifiably more valuable than the other two groups combined. To establish an operational definition of value, we recognize value as the amount of revenue and/or opportunities an individual provides. The reason symbolic analysts command much more wealth and are inherently more valuable than the†¦show more content†¦They argue that without them, the CEOs would not have a working company to run. While the union workers are technically not mistaken, they are however neglecting a number of factors, the first being that an individual’s compensation is dir ectly correlated with the amount of value that the individual brings to the corporation. When we break down the responsibilities of a lowly sales associate, their only task is to assist customers in purchasing items. An executive manages everything from negotiating with suppliers, organizing facilities, creating new departments, delegating tasks to aforementioned departments, et al. The real value that executives add to the company is exponentially greater than that of the average worker; this fact is quantifiable. Another issue that union workers do not take into consideration is the fact that sales associates and other manual laborers in a broader sense are largely expendable, as such is the nature of a low skill job. The fact of the matter is that the minimum-wage workers need their CEO more than their CEO needs them. The brutal reality is that if workers are unsatisfied with their wages the executives can simply replace them with people that are satisfied, leading us to the issu e of scarcity and surplus of labor supply. The issue of scarcity is a basic concept in the study of economics, and furthers contributes to the value of symbolic analysts. Reich discusses how demand for symbolic analysts grows with the advent

Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Family Struck By Tragedy - 993 Words

A family struck by tragedy, the Luther siblings find themselves living without a guardian. Stepping up to watch after the youngest two, the eldest sisters, Devola and Mary Call, have to make decisions for the rest of their family in order to keep everyone together. The narrator of â€Å"Where the Lilies Bloom†, Mary Call, takes the father’s role in the family while her older sister Devola acts as the mother. Despite differences in personality and beliefs, Mary Call and Devola have the same objectives, and throughout the movie, their relationship grows with each hardship endured. Gentle and kind, Devola is finished with her education and in the household takes the place of her mother. Regularly, she is seen in the kitchen, making dinner, or cleaning up the house. In comparison with Mary Call, Devola tends to dream and is more girly so to speak. Devola is at the age where she is considering marriage and, in general, boys. Her evident crush on Kiser Pease is a cause of fri ction between her and Mary Call. One of her best qualities is to see the good in people. For example, whereas her father, Ray Luther, and Mary Call only regard Kiser as a member of the family that took their land, Devola believes that inside, Kiser is a man with a big heart. Eventually, though, Mary Call comes to realize that Devola was right about Kiser the entire time. People like Kiser refer to her as a â€Å"sweet nice girl†, and her younger siblings opt to go to her seeking solace. She is understanding andShow MoreRelatedI Was Four Years Old Tragedy Struck My Family Essay1099 Words   |  5 Pages When I was four years old tragedy struck my family. For the longest time I asked God, â€Å"Why? Why our family? Why now?† There is a quote I love to read and it reminds me of the situation my family experienced. It says, â€Å"‘Mom, why do the best people die?’ ‘When you re in a garden, which flowers do you pick?’ ‘The most beautiful on es’† This is a story about my life and how it was changed by tragedy. August 19, 2003 is a day I will never forget. This is the day that impacted my family’s lives foreverRead MoreNasa Management : The Columbia Space Shuttle1385 Words   |  6 Pagesatmosphere at 8:43 a.m. EST and within 17 minutes, the shuttle was destroyed all were dead. Initial reaction to the tragedy sparked rumors of a terrorist plot; nevertheless, an investigation was launched to determine the true cause and the events leading up to the catastrophe. Unbeknownst to the public, a section of foam insulation had fragmented from the propellant tank and struck the left wing during takeoff, 15 days prior. 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Cleaning the waste, barring the ill, but the Black Plague struck anyway, For those who stayed, it divided societyRead MoreThe Tragic Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare770 Words   |  4 Pagesbecause Macbeth overall includes more tragic events and creates a greater atmosphere of pity and sorrow, especially in the introduction and middle of the plays, than Antigone features. At first, while both plays are building up the beginnings of tragedy, Macbeth’s greater share of tragic events would make it considered more tragic. On one hand, in Macbeth, Macbeth’s soliloquies reveal the depth of his reluctance to kill the king, as well as revealing the good of the king in his eyes. â€Å"...† DespiteRead MoreWhen Tragedy Strikes, Friends And Families Rely On One1569 Words   |  7 Pages When tragedy strikes, friends and families rely on one another in order to overcome the situation at hand. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ambient Music Essay Example For Students

Ambient Music Essay In the liner notes of Neons 1978 Music for Airports / Ambient 1, he explains his use of the term ambient music to describe the music he was creating at the time. Over the past three years, I have become interested in the use of music as ambiance, and have come to believe that it is possible to produce material that can be used thus without being in any way compromised. To create a distinction between my own experiments in this area and the products of the various purveyors of canned music, I have begun using the term Ambient Music. An ambiance is defined as an atmosphere, or a surrounding influence My intention s to produce original pieces ostensibly (but not exclusively) for particular times and situations with a view to building up a small but versatile catalogue of environmental music suited to a wide variety of moods and atmospheres. Whereas the extant canned music companies proceed from the basis of regulating environments by blanketing their acoustic and atmospheric idiosyncrasies, Ambient Music is intended to enhance these. Whereas conventional background music is produced by striping away all sense of doubt and uncertainty (and thus all genuine interest) from the music, Ambient Music retains these qualities. And whereas their intention is to brighten the environment by adding stimulus to it (thus supposedly alleviating the tedium of routine tasks and leveling out the natural ups and downs of the body rhythms) Ambient Music is intended to induce calm and a space to think. Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular; it must be as ignorable as it is interesting. (One, B. (1978) Ambient 1: Music for Airports. ) Aside from One, other musicians and bands that have had an important influence on he advent of Ambient music are people such as, Wendy Carols (formerly Walter Carols) who produced the original score for A Clockwork Orange, Mike Oldie (Tubular Bells), Evangelism (Chariots of Fire soundtrack). Along with the above-mentioned composer s, Progressive Rock bands Pink Floyd (with albums such as Managua, Meddle and Obscured by Clouds) and Yes with the album Tales From Topographic Oceans have had a major influence on Ambient Rock style bands. Electronic bands such as Jerkwater, Pool Vhf, and Tangerine Dream have made a great impact on electronic based ambient music. Similarly, the Yellow Magic Orchestra has been cited as pioneers of Ambient house music (Alembic. Com (n. D) Derivative Forms Ambient House Ambient House emerged in the late sasss out of a combination of Ambient Music and Acid House, Paul Gentlefolk ran an Acid House night at Heaven, and it was at this Acid House Nights that Alex Paterson ran a chill-out room, where he played Pink Floyd, Brian One and loc songs at low volume.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Science/Religion Definition Of Religion And Defense Definition Of Reli

Science/Religion Definition of religion and defense Definition of Religion: Religion is norms,values, or a way of life to an individual or community. A spiritual guide that governs the way a person lives from day to day by giving that person hope, belief, and reason to exist in this world. Religion can be whatever that person makes of it. Religion can be a persons assets, family, or other individuals or possessions, it can be many things besides worship to a "God" or "Deity". It can be whatever a person deems holy or sacred. Defense: "Religion is norms, values, or a way of life to an individual or community". This can be defended by taking a look at they way most religious people live. Many people live accordingly to there religions rules and regulations. This includes Buddhists, Muslims, Mennonites, and Amish just to point out a few. Not only in dress and in possessions but people who respect their religions live by their religion's rules. "A spiritual guide that governs the way a person lives from day to day by giving that person hope, belief, and a reason to exist in this world." Religion can give an individual codes to live. It can give a person hope, belief, and a reason to exist by making the individual feel loved or cared about by their religion or their religious deities. It can also give them hope and belief by feeling included within a group of individuals that share their same views. By giving them a reason to exist religions give an individual something to look forward to after death and purpose for being on earth. "Religion can be whatever a person makes of it. Religion can be a persons assets, family, or other individuals and possessions, it can be many things besides worship to a "God" or "Deity"." Religion can mean different things for different people. It can be a rich mans money, poor mans shelter, a mad mans weapons. Many people or cultures worships numerous "gods" for different occasions. Some people worship the earth or animals while m any other individuals worship other "people" or "mortals". A persons religion can be what they make it. "It can be whatever a person deems holy or sacred." By determining what is holy or sacred to the individual they can choose to make that their religion. Whether it be a feeling of enlightenment or a persons bank account, the individual has the right to make what they consider holy their religion. Not saying it is wrong or right because it is all based on a matter of opinion and belief. Much like my definition of religion.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Essay Referencing Simplified Guidelines and Examples

For many students, using a referencing guideline can be a tedious drudgery to suffer when writing papers. For others, good referencing poses a complicated barrier which can cost them marks and even put their academic success in jeopardy. In this post I will endeavor to demystify citation systems and offer a simplified approach to them. The Role of Essay Citation What is a reference? Academic writing does not stand alone. Everything that is written contributes to a conversation which has spanned centuries. This is exactly what Sir Isaac Newton was referring to when he made his famous quote about standing on the shoulders of giants. The primary role of all citation systems is to give your readers the means to retrace your steps through this ongoing conversation. Of course, the other side of this is about giving due recognition to the writers of the work to which you are referring. Personally, I think of this as a secondary purpose. This is not due to any disrespect toward the protection of intellectual property; it is only that I give this respect incidentally. I appreciate having the opportunity to show where my work sits in relation to the greater conversation. It is plagiarism when a student attempts to pass off work which has already been published or submitted as their own. It is different if someone, a friend for example, acts as a co-writer who helps you proofread, edit, or produce new work. However, I am at a loss as to why someone would feel compelled not to reference the work they use. You are not rewarded for generating entirely original thought, especially as an undergraduate. Regardless of your field of study, you gain respect and marks for two things. Firstly, you are tested for your ability to focus your efforts towards the succinct satisfaction of the criteria of each specific task. Secondly, and arguably, more importantly, your graders want to see evidence in your work that you are engaging with the broader body of academic work and the ongoing conversation it represents. Knowing how to cite references according to the reference format prescribed in the course guide can make this easy. There is everything to gain by using citation to show your instructors what you have been reading. There is nothing to gain by failing to reference your work. I want to challenge you to take pleasure and pride in your citation. Your essay reference page is where you show that you are able to surf the databases and use libraries to engage with the literature and find relevant information. This is really the primary practical skill set you are required to master and you demonstrate it through referencing. How to Cite References It has to be said that, if you have not already done so, the first thing you need to do is talk with your instructors about the style they expect from you. At the university where I studied, for example, there were eleven different style guides used by the various faculties and schools. They may ask students to write strictly to the MLA referencing format, the APA format for references, Harvard, or Chicago guides. Alternatively, the faculty could ask for a derivative format or special instructions to be followed. Be careful to note that the way we cite our sources in the reference list will be different depending on whether you are citing an essay or a citing a book in an essay or on the prescribed style. Refer to your course guide or talk with someone about it. The Two Main Referencing Styles Many of the guides which cover referencing can be said to have derived from either the Chicago or Harvard styles. For example, the increasingly popular APA referencing style is heavily based on the Harvard Style Guide. The Harvard format for references discourage the use of footnotes. Footnotes are notes written at the bottom of the page which corresponds to a small footnote number written at the end of the relevant line of text, in superscript. Since recent changes, the Chicago Style Guide now facilitates the use of either the footnote system or an author-date parenthetical, in-text referencing style, such as is preferred by the Harvard Referencing Style Guide. Both examples of what to do within the text will be followed by examples of how to do a corresponding reference page. I highly recommend a thorough online publication offered by the University of Western Australia for further details on everything from how to cite an essay in an essay to citing online resources, or 5th edition books compiled by editors according to many different referencing style guides. Harvard Style In-Text Referencing In-text referencing as become most common over time. Some say that it breaks the flow of the text, making it more difficult to read and this might be why it is not used on websites like Wikipedia. However, most people would skip over the references when reading a sentence and use them only to reference the source material. Basically, in the text the writer acknowledges the author by placing their name and the date of publication in parenthesis, at the end of the sentence and before the final punctuation. In this example we will not only look at how to reference a book in an essay but also at journal articles and other sources. The reader can expect that this is not a direct quotation but merely information from the text. The name and date will correspond with a full bibliographic entry at the end of the essay, under the title, â€Å"References.† If there are more than one source from which the information was drawn, the citations will be listed, separated by semicolons. You can include the writer or writers in the text, if it is useful for your message, followed by the date, alone in parenthesis. For example: This reference list example shows the full citations of the cited work in alphabetical order and with a hanging indent. References (example) This is just one example, and you will find that the actual style required by any faculty could be different in some respects. This example uses a very succinct table of examples offered to the public by The University of Western Australia. In other implementations of the style, you will find that there will be some small differences, such as years listed in the references might be in parenthesis. It is very useful to find out exactly what the requirements are at your institution. Chicago Style Footnote Referencing One of the advantages of footnote referencing is that it allows the writer to get the referencing data out of the way of the text. Instead, it uses a superscript number like this, ’1’ at the end of a sentence in which referenced work is used and then follows up with an acknowledgment of the source material at the bottom of the page, separated from the main body of the text. You will notice that the Chicago reference list format is laid out differently. If we use the same sentences as from our previous referencing example it will look like this: Watkins, O’Shay Chandler, This book was written by three authors, (Big City: Fancy Publishing House, 2013) 34. Note that one citation can refer to multiple entries rather than including multiple superscripted numbers at the end of a single sentence. Getting it Right Every Time You Write an Essay I can not overstate the importance of referring specifically to the style guide prescribed by the course you are enrolled in. This article represents our attempt to give you a quick outline to understand referencing. But there are many specific criteria requested by different institutions. Great essay writing loses marks unnecessarily when you make some small mistakes with the referencing style, and it doesn’t have to be difficult. Perhaps You Could Think of Referencing Your Essay Like Lego Keep a record of the books and sources you gather your information. Then, follow the style guide you are given by your course instructors and put all the pieces together in the same way. Know When to Ask For Help The best tip to success in anything is to know how to search for good information and know how to delegate like a leader. If you are not sure about how the specifics of citation will work in your course, ask your tutor for more help; this is what they are there for. If you need to delegate work to someone else so that you can deal with the important tasks of your studies, send it to EssayService. Our professional writers can put your citation together from the sources that you gathered according to the style format you send us from your course. If you need more help, you can buy an essay from us, and it will be uniquely written to meet your criteria and free of plagiarism.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How To Write A Last-Minute Essay

How To Write A Last-Minute Essay How to Write a Last-Minute Essay Sometimes students get caught up by time, and he/she is forced to write an essay uncomfortably quickly to meet the deadline. Students find themselves in this situation for either having postponed writing the perfect essay for too long or he/she has been busy to find the time and work on the assignment. However, do not worry, is it very possible to write the essay in the last minute. Needless to say, as a good and focused student it is advised you make preemptive plans to beat the assignment deadline and avoid last minute rush since it is not advisable for your grades. This article offers some insightful tips, do’s and don’ts on how to write a last-minute essay. Adopt the right mindset When it is too late to start the work, anyone can panic and restlessness. Such emotional discontentment would worsen the situation and make you lose focus. Remain goal-oriented and optimistic that you would meet the deadline and get to work. Last minute essay writing requires focus and attention and intolerance to negative thoughts. Plan and prepare your workstation Pick a good working station or create one. Ensure you have a comfortable seating position, clean environment and proper and lighting. Assemble all the materials you need for the essay writing and keep them on the working table. Â  Plan how to execute each of your tasks ahead and slot time for them. Start with the easier tasks and handle the more complicated ones later. Switch off your phone and social networks Distraction is the last thing you need when writing an essay at the last minute. To avoid unnecessary distraction, switch off your mobile phone and log out all social networking sites. This allows you to focus on finishing the work. The irresistible urge to open social network or your phone is much lower and aggressive is they are out of reach. Inform your friends and family members that you will be busy doing your homework for a while, and you do not need interruption or distraction unless it is a serious emergency. Read the question carefully Read and understand the tasks very well. If you rush to answer the questions, you are more likely to miss some details or give irrelevant information. Irrelevant information is the last thing you would wish to have at this time,needless to say, it would set you back and threaten your scores. Type your essay rather than handwriting it Handwriting and then transferring the typed work wastes a lot of precious time. Therefore, type rather than handwrite to save on the work. Keep saving your work as you go along. This is the last time you need your computer, and therefore ensure you save your work on your computer and online to eliminate any chance of losing your progress to an electrical fault. While typing directly into the document, make your notes on the document to avoid using hard copies that need more time to integrate into your final document. Rewrite the notes into the essay with notes or support sentences to explain them. Save the introduction and conclusion To write a good introduction and conclusion requires time, which in this case is in limited supply. Therefore, avoid writing the introduction and conclusion after you are through with the body paragraphs. Writing the body paragraphs would give you leverage in writing them. For the conclusion, try to rewrite the conclusion whilst reasserting the thesis statement. Wrap the conclusion with a good summative statement in an interesting manner that wraps the content. Do the references as you go along Saving to do the referencing for the last minute is not only time consuming, but also likely to do unintentional plagiarism. For each time, you quote someone, ensure you reference properly since tracking the quotes later can be time-consuming and could lead easily be missed. Proofread as you go along Ensure your work is perfect as you progress. Proofread as you go on writing the essay to avoid later revisiting the whole essay to find and correct your mistakes. It also helps to avoid leaving out important content in the essay writing. Each mistake is handled early and less likely going to be catastrophic. Don’t be tempted to copy and paste Do not be tempted to plagiarize your work. Do not assume your course instructor cannot note plagiarized work and if caught you will suffer grave consequences. Copy pasting also lowers the quality of your work since integrating distinctive texts from various sources may not be possible without proper synthesis of the information and editing it to fit your situation. Always remember, better late than never. Keep your style concise Do not attempt to try to violate the standard formatting guidelines according to the grading rubric. Large fonts, wider margins or over-spaced work not only looks ugly but also a sign of low-quality content. It also insinuates that the student did not do adequate research. Such theatrics are easily identifiable and do not assume your course facilitator cannot pick them up just by a glance at your essay. Take a break If you have to take a break, have it when you absolutely need it. Make it as short as possible and am sure you can also endure some pressure till you finish your work. Make sure you maintain your energy levels at optimum by taking a snack and keeping hydrated to avoid unnecessary breaks while working. If the scene you are working from is uncomfortable, try seeking refuge elsewhere where you can focus. Taking a break and returning to the same workstation may not be helpful in the long run. Concisely, the aforementioned tips and guidelines can be very helpful when doing last minute essay writing. This is the ultimate guideline on how to write an essay at the last minute, and hopefully, you found it helpful. However, do not dwell on it, rather get working to avoid the deadline from catching up with you.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethics and Intellectual Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Ethics and Intellectual Property - Essay Example The essay will focus on the LG- Samsung intellectual property dispute. The business environments are essential and laws put in place are aimed at ensuring the environments remain competitive and accommodate diversity. The ethical issue arises when individuals or groups bridge the intellectual property clause. The manner in which people solve disputes will determine their future relation. The private space needs to be protected and it is up to the laws to protect these rights. The essence of intellectual property regulation is to create the private spaces. The moral aspect emerges when a party infringes the property rights or steals an idea or a product that was initially designed by a different party. In the case of LG versus Samsung, the firms as used each other of have stolen technologies in their mobile phone products and other household electronics (Yoon-Seung, 2015). There is the argument of competitive advantage. Samsung engages in a legal proceeding for damages after it alleged LG infringed the intellectual property rights after it produced products similar in shape and design as those produced by Samsung (Yoon-Seung, 2015). The dispute emerges whenever the rival firm uses product designed by another firm with no permission. Patents and copyrights are meat to ensure a firm protects its rights and in an event the rights are infringed, the law protects their ri ght. The law outlines how different firms may deploy legal means or mediation to settle dispute relating to intellectual property. The protection of intellectual property is applicable to both established firms and new venture. The nature of protection may vary depending on the local regulation. Intellectual property can be protected thought copyrights, service rights, patent, and trademarks. The nature of product will determine the manner in which a given product is protected through the intellectual property laws. The stolen technology by both Samsung and LG

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Groups and organizations promoting racial equality Essay

Groups and organizations promoting racial equality - Essay Example However, efforts made by numerous players gradually allowed the incorporation of the Native Americans into the civilized American society. Over the years, federal legislations and other amendments have allowed the establishment of greater racial equality for the Native Americans and other minority groups. By doing so, the government institutions have been successful in implementing equal rights for all citizens of America. While many historical texts have been produced from a White perspective, the Native Indian perspective has rarely been produced until recently. The revived interpretation has allowed the world to vie Native Americans as being oppressed individuals who have been enslaved in their own home land while the invaders and colonialists have formed an imperialist government over them. The perspective of viewing the Native Indian as a â€Å"good man† was the result of various historical products including films. The civil rights movements allowed the Native Americans to raise their voices for their own rights as equal citizens of America. Native Americans have experienced America from a time of colonial rule to civil rights as US citizens. Although the Native Americans still inhabited the same land, the fact that there were cultural differences between them and the White Americans could not be ignored. The first question which the reformers faced was about incorporating the highly distinct Native Americans in the American society thereby forming a national identity rather than a horde of uncivilized people. Attempts to assimilate the Native Indians as part of the American society involved recruiting young Native American boys into boarding schools so as to enable them to gradually lose out their native cultural essence and adopt an American way of living (Flavin, 4). US history saw a series of laws, rules, regulations, tribal laws, treaties, and other jurisdictions. The United States Constitution as well as the Trade and Intercourse Act regulate d any economic activity carried out with Native Indian tribes and granted power to the President along with the Senate to make agreements with the tribes (Stancel, n.pag.). By the end of the French-Indian War, the Constitution was adopted and this brought the Indian tribes under the government’s rule. Three departments were set up including Northern, Southern, and Middle, each being headed by a commissioner whose duty was to maintain harmonious terms with the Indians (Cohen & Ickes et al., 9). This was also done so as to discourage the local Indians to participate in the revolt against the Whites. Passed in 1887, the Dawes Act or the Allotment Act gave the President the power to break the reservation land which was being held by tribal members (‘Dawes Act†, n.pag.). According to the law, land which had not been allotted to Native Americans would have to be sold to the government which would then be opened for farming. However, this resulted in Native Americans bei ng dispossessed of their lands. Apparently, the law was meant to provide greater property rights to the Native Indians however many Native Indians saw a reduction in their land holdings. Further laws limited their rights and economic dealings by giving more power to the President and Senate to regulate treaties with tribal Indians. The Indian Bill of Rights also

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The world economy is in turmoil. Supermarkets are no different, as we Essay - 1

The world economy is in turmoil. Supermarkets are no different, as we discovered during the year - Essay Example The performance of supermarkets within the global financial crisis is the main issue addressed in this study. The examination of the relevant data has led to the assumption that not all firms operating in the supermarket sector had been adversely affected by the world recession; in fact, where appropriate strategic plans have been applied the performance of supermarkets has been increased. In any case, the financial crisis worldwide has created a strong turmoil the end of which cannot be identified – at least for the moment. Under these conditions, the performance of supermarkets worldwide has been declined – even if exceptions of good performance have been also noted in the international market. In Britain, the firms operating in the supermarket sector have suffered severe losses – also in this country there have been supermarkets that managed to handle the crisis and increase their performance, like in the case of Simsbury’s. In this paper, the effects o f the world recession on the supermarket sector are analyzed by referring to a specific firm: Waitrose. The specific firm failed in identifying and handling the risks related with the global recession and the changes in the customer preferences. This failure led to the limitation of the firm’s profits without signs for a fast recovery. The response of the specific firm to the challenges of the world recession has been proved inadequate – if taking into consideration the strategic plans used by its competitors. The examination of the British market – and especially of the supermarket sector – leads to an interesting findings: not all supermarkets in Britain have suffered loss of their profits because of the global financial crisis; the limitation of profitability of the firms operating in this sector has been rather the result of poor strategic management. The above assumption is verified using the principle of Breakeven; the use of this principle for

Friday, November 15, 2019

Causes of the Construction Defects

Causes of the Construction Defects Construction defects are very common and often arising or spot in the construction project, especially in the project which has poor management or supervision in the construction site. Construction defect can be known as a major problem in the construction industry that could cause the value of a building decrease eventually. For the question of what is construction defect there is no direct or short answer or explanation to answer the question of what is construction defect. Construction defect in the construction project normally can be arise from two mains factor which is defect cause by workmanship and land movement. Some of the example for the common construction defect can be defective concrete of frame, cracking of slab; wood structural attack by termite, leaking in the building and etc. other than that, construction defects in construction project due to the reason of land movement could be underground water, settlement, improper compaction during earthwork stage and inadequa te of drainage. Every construction project is always involved and appears the term of construction defect for the reason of there is no a building or project without defect occurs. In order to study the further detail information of causes, effects and methods to minimize construction defects in construction project, this dissertation would be carry out for the purpose of study in deep of construction defect. 1.2 Research Background Climatic of Malaysia are change aggressively, therefore all of the buildings in Malaysia are expose to the aggressive environment all the time. Because of this, majority of the building in Malaysia will have the defects occurs in the buildings after the building is occupant a period of time. The purpose of conduct this research is to study the common construction defect in the construction project. Once the defects study, it is also necessary focus on the effects of the construction defects that will occur, since defect is precedent of effects of the construction defects. In additional, in order to minimize the construction defects, an evaluation on methods to minimize the construction defect will also be focus on this research. 1.2.1 Causes of the construction defect A construction defect can be known as a component in the building are built by the contractor or design by professionals not according to the specification, plan, not comply with the construction code that established by the authority( Calvin Cal E. Beyer, 2011). Construction defects can be also defined as that will make the project dangerous, unsafe, causes the user of the building to be injured or dead (Michael S. Poles, GC, CM, RCI, DABFET, ACFE, 1995). It can be occurs during the construction process and cause the project costly rework, project not complete in time and affect the overall performance of the building. Construction defect can be classified as 2 types, which are Patent Defects and Latent Defects. Patent Defects can be detected by the normal inspection or testing and apparent to naked eye, for example roof leak or a foundation crack. However, Latent Defects are hidden and cannot discoverable by normal examination or testing which will appear itself after a period of time (Anon 1, 2007). According to the researcher from the University of Florida, construction defects can be various types and influenced by many factors in the construction industry. The common types and the causes of the construction defect can be included (Calvin Cal E. Beyer, 2011): Improper design Poor workmanship that leads to poor finishing quality Improper means or methods of installation Improper or poor quality of the materials Defective material or poor material performance Missing or inadequate protection from weather or environmental condition in the construction site. Soil subsidence, movement and settlement Base on the few studies of researcher, the effects of the construction defect can increase the overall construction cost and the final quantity of the project (Zietsman, R., 2004) and a survey conducted by the Building Research Establishment in the United Kingdom, it found that 35% of the defects were arise from faulty construction(Assaf, Al-Hammad, Al-Shihah, 1995). It can be  due to the reason of bad workmanship, inadequate supervision and substitution of poor material, components or fixings. Beside those common type and the causes of the construction defect has stated above, the 35 most frequent defects was identified by the Building Research Establishment. The causes of defects that were identified which is (Assaf, Al-Hammad, Al-Shihah, 1995): Lack of inspection Making use of inexperienced, unqualified inspectors Avoiding and ignoring inspection completely Non implementation of corrective actions during the construction process Inaccurate measurement Making use of defective or damaged formwork Excavations to close to an existing building and exposing the foundations Non-conformance with waterproofing specifications Inability to read and understand/interpret drawings Insufficient concrete cover Improper construction of cold joints Loss in adhesion between materials Stripping formwork too early Unacceptable soil compaction procedures Inadequate curing procedures Lack of communication Non-compliance with specifications Inability to read and understand/interpret drawings Insufficient site supervision Lack of communication between the owner, architect/engineer, project manager Employing unqualified supervisors Speedy completion of certain activities specifically where equipment is on hire Unqualified labor force Multinational construction experience Defects resulting from the wrong selection of materials Using materials unsuitable for the climatic conditions Using cheap materials Making use of expired materials Inadequate storage facilities Misuse of equipment Equipment not performing to specification Lack of the proper equipment Cross referencing and detailed referencing on drawings lacking Conflicting details on drawings Details of sections on drawings lacking According to Marianne (2005), these 35 defects listed above can be grouped in to 4 categories which are: Design deficiencies Material deficiencies Construction deficiencies Subsurface/geotechnical problem 1.2.2 Method to minimizing the construction defect In construction industry, there is varying of the methods to minimizing or reduce the construction defects. According to Alice M. Noble-Allgire (2008), improving quality control can be known as a method to minimize the construction defects occurs. A quality control programs can be set up by the builder and use to reduce the construction defects. Besides that, structuring their contract with certain of the rules that can ensures that the parties take responsibilities on the defects that created under his works. Construction defects can be also minimizing by the improved oversight, for example builder can improve their building inspection practices in all the way. Other than that, if there is insufficient for improve the quality control, it also can through licensing, certification, and education requirement to improved the quality control. For example, a contractor which intended to select, the contractor must be register with the Construction Industry Development Board know as CIDB. With the registration, that can ensure the quality of contractor and the works. 1.2.3 Effect of the construction defect Construction defect can decrease and affect the value of the buildings. According to Atkinson, (1999), defects are developments in construction that reduces the project`s value instead of adding to it. Other than reduces the project value, where the construction defect apparent, It also can cause the project totally delay which mean not complete with in the period state in the contract. Cost overrun can be known as one of the effect when the construction defects happen in the construction site. Construction defect will also affect society at large due to possible danger posed and result in direct and indirect cost in repairs, abnormally high maintenance dispute and possible loss of building. 1.3 Problem Statement Construction defect in the construction project is very common. It is because buildings are exposing to the inclement weather especially in the climatic country such as Malaysia. Construction defects can be arising due to inadequate design, poor workmanships in the construction and lack of maintenance. The defects that in the construction project can become worst and worst due to the reason of invisible defect that not discover by the builder or the occupants. Construction defect can be also bringing negative impact to the occupant, builder, and country. Therefore it may affect the appearance of the building, health and safety of the occupant, country economic, reputation and etc. Thus, this problem can cause occupant unhappy eventually. 1.4 Research Aims and Objectives 1.4.1 Aim This research was aimed at identifying and studies the causes and effect of construction defects in the construction sector. Besides that, the other aim of this research is to study the methods of minimizing the construction defects in construction projects. 1.4.2 Objectives In order to achieve the aim of this research the objective has been listed as follow: To determining and understand various types of construction defects in construction projects. To identify the causes and effects of the construction defects in construction projects. To analyze the methods used to minimizing the construction defects in the construction projects. 1.4.3 Key Question What is construction defect? What are the effects of construction defect can be occurs in construction projects? What is the solution or methods to minimize the defect? 1.5 Importance and Benefits of Study This research will have benefits of to prevent the construction defects occur. Thus, this thesis will study the causes, effects and the methods to minimize the construction defects. Besides that, this study can also enhance the knowledge of the builders or any participants involve in the construction in order to increase the quality of the buildings. 1.6 Scope of Study Various types of construction defects will be study for the purpose of understanding the construction defects. The main scope will be the causes of the construction defects will be study in depth and identify the most common causes that cause the construction defects occurs in the construction project. Followed by the effects from the various construction defects that occur in the construction project will be study. For the last, the method to minimize the construction defects will be analyzes. 1.7 Methodology of Research In order to obtain the useful information for this dissertation study purpose, there is few methods to collect the data and information. Since the type of the data to be collecting having not been deciding therefore there is a consequence stage to follow. Stage 1: Literature Review Literature review is the Initial stages of the methodology, because some of the information that is useful for setting out the questionnaire. There is numbers of way or method for carry out literature review to obtain information for this dissertation: Magazines Journals Articles Books Newspaper Internet ( Stage 2: Choose of suitable data collection method There are 2 types of the methods to collect the data had been choose for this dissertation, which categories in 2 types. Only one of the methods will choose for this research to collect the data among the 2 methods. Quantitative Questionnaires A set of questions will be form base on aim, objective of this study and the information that I found in the literature review. Target groups: experience contractor and the site supervisor. Reason: personal financial and able to obtain the data in short period. Qualitative Case study Observation and investigation (site visit). Targeted Place : construction sites, occupied buildings Identify the common defects in the construction project and some of the photo will be taken. Stage 3: Data analysis Once the data collected, in this chapter will analysis the data that collected from the questionnaire and case study by either method of SPSS, table method or bar chart. Analysis will include: Respondent age Collected data for Cause of defect in construction project Find out the major cause Collected data for the effect of defect in construction project Find out most worst effect Collected data for the method to minimize the defect in construction project Analysis which method most effective Details of the construction site or building Comparison of site or building Major defects arise in construction from the case study data Stage 4: Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion Result of analysis will be conclusion. Judgment for the result will be including in the conclusion. For example which common cause of the defect in the construction project. Most effective method to reduce the defect in construction project will conclude. Recommendation A further scope of study will be recommended. Most effective methods as remedial action for construction will be recommended. Some of the field for study in depth will recommended. 1.8 Summary of chapters 1.8.1 Chapter 1 Introduction In chapter 1, information regarding the research topic will be discussed in brief in the introduction. Other than that, background in this chapter will further study in depth the causes, effects and method to minimizing the construction defects. For example, defects can be categorized in 2 types, which is patent and latent defect. In additional, the research aim and objective will also include in this chapter follow by research methodology, which is how the data be collect and analyze. 1.8.2 Chapter 2 Literature Review In chapter 2 Literature Review, the causes of the construction defects will be discussed. Once the causes of the construction defects is discussed, the effects of the construction defects will also be discuss follow by the methods to minimize the construction defects. In additional, ways of obtain information for the purpose of conduct Literature Review will be from the articles, journals, internet, reference books and etc. 1.8.3 Chapter 3 Research Methodology In Chapter 3 Research Methodology, structure of questionnaire will be form and the procedure of the case study will be plan. (If case study method is choose). Once the information obtains from the questionnaire, it will be listed in this chapter. Example for the structure of questionnaire: Improper design Poor workmanship that leads to poor finishing quality Improper means or methods of installation Improper or poor quality of the materials Defective material or poor material performance Missing or inadequate protection from weather or environmental condition in the construction site. Soil subsidence, movement and settlement This questionnaire is base on the Likerts scale of 5 ordinal measures from 1 to 5 according to level contributing. For example: = strongly Agree (4) = Agree (3) = moderate (2) = Disagree (1) strongly disagree Example of the case study procedure: Step 1: Selecting the sites Step 2: Meet up with sites manager and get approval Step 3: Conduct case study Observation Take necessary photo Step 4: Gather all the data Step 5: Analysis the data 1.8.4 Chapter 4 Data Analysis Once the data successful collected from the questionnaire or case study, the following step is to analysis the data in this chapter 4. The methods use to analysis the collected data can be SPSS, Bar Chart or table method. For example the data can be analysis included: Respondent age, collected data for Cause of defect in construction project, collected data for the effect of defect in construction project, details of the construction site or building, major defects arise in construction from the case study data. 1.8.5 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation In this chapter a conclusion will be conduct to conclude the whole research including the result from the analysis that carry out through the SPSS, bar chart. Besides that, most effective methods to minimize the construction defects will be recommending base on the result of analysis in order to fulfill the research aim and objective. 1.9 Summary In Chapter 1, general information regard this Research will be discus in the introduction such as definition of the construction project and defects. Some of the further information from other resource such as internet, articles, books, magazines and etc will be discuss in further in the Research Background. For example, causes of the construction defects, methods to minimize the construction defects and effects of the construction defects in the construction project will be discuss in more detail. Identifying and studies the causes, effects and methods to minimize the construction defects is the aim and objective for this Research. In additional, the Methodology of this research will include literature review and data will be collect from either questionnaire or case study. In this chapter, the aim and objective include identifying and studies the causes and effect of construction defects in the construction sector, and the methods to minimizing the construction defects in construction project.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Divine Love in The Canonization Essay -- Canonization Essays

Divine Love in The Canonization Describing the complexities of love, Pascal states that "the heart has reasons which reason knows nothing of" (qtd. in Bartlett 270). Similarly, in "The Canonization" by John Donne, the speaker argues that his unique love obtains reasons beyond the knowledge of the common man. The speaker relates his love to the canonization of saints. Therefore, he implies that his love is a divine love. In "The Canonization," the speaker conveys a love deserving of admiration and worthy of sainthood. In the poem, the lover describes his love as incomprehensible. In the heat of discussion, the lover insults his companion's intelligence with the statement, "Take you a course, get you a place" (5). The speaker implies that his listener does not possess the adequate amount of intelligence necessary to understand his complex love. Resulting from the listener's critical comments concerning the speaker's love, the speaker implores the listener to chide him for his physical features or past mistakes in life. In other words, he tells the listener to deride him for his tangible and superficial flaws, rather than attempt to disparage the inner depths of a love relationship that the listener cannot comprehend. The speaker expresses the rarity of his love by stating that his love is his occupation and his sole purpose in life. In essence, his love becomes his calling, similar to a saint's calling from God. Stressing his devotion to his lover, the speaker reveals an astute comparison between the professions of mankind to his own occupation of love: "Soldiers finde warres, and Lawyers finde out still / Litigious men, which quarrels move, / Though she and I do love" (16-18). Similar to the profession... ...y embracing their isolation, they discover the world through each other's eyes: "Who did the whole world soule extract, and drove / Into the glasses of your eyes" (40-41). Unlike the rest of the world, the two unique lovers find their true identities and ideal desires through reckless abandonment of worldly views. The comparison between the artificial love of the listener and the divine love of the speaker represents another distinction in the two concepts of love. The divine love of the speaker offers complete devotion, intensity and immortality while artificial love of the listener maintains the placid position of peace. In essence, the love of the speaker creates a model for all other lovers that "Beg from above / A patterne of your love!" (44-45). The love of the speaker in "The Canonization" proves to be a divine love relative to the saints.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Crucible- Fear Causes Irrationality

Fear Causes Irrationality A government requires very delicate balances; the slightest disturbance will cause it to come crashing down. For example, governments must have a balance between their values and their desire to make things happen. In 1933 Germany’s balance was disrupted when Adolf Hitler became chancellor. He tipped the scale away from values and morals, and eventually led to the collapse of a previously great country. Examples can be found throughout history of governments and leaders falling, after their balances are tipped.In Salem, 1692, the balance between fear and rationality was disrupted, causing the collapse of the Salem court and its leaders. In his play, The Crucible, Arthur Miller exhibits how fear causes irrationality and can destroy the credibility of a government through the fall of the Salem court during the witch hysteria. Fear of the Devil, and those who compacted with him, effect each person either directly or indirectly in The Crucible, whether or not they believed in the trials. Those who do not support the court are affected indirectly by the people around them, who are in hysterics and accusing innocent people of witchcraft.John Proctor is disgusted with the religious leaders who are directing the witch trials. Proctor is expressing his thoughts of corruption among them when he exclaims (Miller 1212), â€Å"God is dead! † Proctor is denouncing the church leaders, saying that God is absent, or dead, in their minds and lives. The quote exhibits how the witch trials have affected Proctor. They have caused him to lose what little respect he had for characters affiliated with both the court and the church, such as Hawthorne, Danforth, and especially Paris.The lives of most people in Salem are being monopolized by the fear of witches, and those who are not afraid of the witches are afraid of being accused of witchcraft. Salem is being plagued by fear; this fear is causing the people of Salem to act irrationally and illog ically. At the start of The Crucible Betty Paris is very ill, and Abigail is about to be accused of cursing her in the woods. After Tituba confesses to witchcraft Abigail panics and does the same by proclaiming (1156), I want to open myself! . . . I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus!I danced for the Devil; I saw him, I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss His hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil! If a person in Salem is accused of witchcraft and is found guilty they will be hanged. Abigail, in an effort to save herself and place blame upon another’s shoulders, admits to compacting with the Devil and accuses other women of the same. Tituba’s confession shows Abigail a way to save herself from accusations, and Abigail’s example leads the other girls to chime in.It is illogical that by admitting to witchcraft and accusing others Abigail is exonerated of her crimes. It is Abigail’s fear of being punished for a crime she did not commit that drives her to act illogically, by confessing to the crime of witchcraft. The men’s fear of the Devil leads the court to trust Abigail and the other girls, even though they are admitting to the most heinous of crimes. Due to its fear the court is irrationally being lead by a band of scared young girls. Irrational and rash decisions of the Salem court cause its loss of credibility, among important members of the community, and its eventual collapse.Elizabeth Proctor was taken from her home with very little, substantial evidence against her, besides an accusation by Abigail. Proctor, Nurse, and Giles’s wives are arrested in a similar way. They go to the court to present a defense for them. While they are pleading their wives innocence, Hawthorne announces, â€Å"You must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between. Thi s is a sharp time, now, a precise time,† (1194). The members of the court believe it is a very delicate time in Salem and they need all people to support them to weed out the Devil.Hawthorne is claiming that by providing a defense the men are attacking the court. This illogical reasoning of the court causes the three men of high status to lose all faith in it. At this point during Miller’s play people begin to realize the court is flawed; they see the hysteria has caused more harm to the community then good. This marks the lowest point of the court. The irrational and illogical court no longer is doing its duty to protect its people, but rather it is harming them. Miller explains through his play, The Crucible, how fear spread like a plague during the witch hysteria of 1692.People began to act irrationally due to their fears; this irrationality and illogical reasoning spread through Salem, even into the governing court. The witch hysteria eventually leads to the crash t he court in Salem. Fear of the Devil lights a fire of irrationality and hysteria in Salem that rages throughout the town causing chaos and consuming the governing body until all that is left is ash.? Works Cited Miller, Arthur. â€Å"The Crucible. † 2012. Prentice Hall Literature: The American Experience. Ed, Grand, Wiggins. Boston: Person Lit. 1123-213. Print

Friday, November 8, 2019

Mexican Independence from Spain Essays

Mexican Independence from Spain Essays Mexican Independence from Spain Paper Mexican Independence from Spain Paper Mexican Independence from Spain In the late 18th century, the Spanish monarchy decided to improve the defenses of its empire because of its many military losses in Europe. Because of this, the Spanish Crown was forced to increase revenues. Between 1765 and 1771, Spain sent Jose de Galvez on an official tour of inspection of New Spain. He restructured the current taxes and their collection methods.. In 1778, Spain, attempting to increase its own revenues, lifted restrictions on colonial trade. This allowed more commerce for the colonists and allowed for more trade between the privileged of New Spain and the other Spanish colonies in America. Since the Spanish monarchy was so determined to improve defenses, it was forced to enlarge the existing colonial militias into armies. The Mexican people were disappointed with the many tax and administrative changes. The Criollos also did not like the fact that they had not been given any of the new administrative positions. Most of the Mexicans felt that they had been prospering under the old system. When the people protested and when riots broke out against the attempts at instituting reforms, they were dissipated through force. This caused Mexicans to become even more upset. They also had a new economic freedom and began to think that they could benefit more if they ran their own economic system apart from Spain. The Spanish Crown also began to limit the powers of the Catholic Church. It was viewed as a political rival because it had begun to amass large amounts of land and wealth in the colony. The Spanish government ignored the fact that the church did not actually have as much money as it seemed to. Much of its â€Å"wealth† was being loaned to colonists. In 1767, the Spanish Crown expelled the Jesuits from both new and old Spain and confiscated the wealth of the religious order. Even worse in the eyes of the Mexicans was in 1804 when the Spanish monarchy took land and wealth from the Catholic Church. These actions caused the church to reclaim all loans. This greatly affected the middle class, which was made up mostly by the colonial born whites known as the Criollos, and the mixed blooded Spanish or Indian Mestizos. The priests were also greatly affected by the Consolidation decree causing an upset of both the colonists and the priests, and convincing many to start to support Mexican Independence. The initial causes of the American Revolution were similar in that the colonists felt oppressed by their parent country of England. They felt that the monarchy they once knew as their savior could no longer provide for the best interests of the colonies and that it was taking advantage of them by imposing taxes upon them and using other means to earn revenue they it didn’t rightfully deserve. The Proclamation of 1763 restricted colonists from settling the area east of the Appalachian Mountains. This restriction angered colonists who were looking for land to call their own. This was followed by the Currency Act of 1764, then the Sugar Act of the same year, and finally, the Stamp Act of 1765. All of these acts, and subsequent ones, were used as revenue measures by England to regain the large amounts of wealth lost during the previous war. The colonists were not protesting taxes that were intended primarily to regulate state. They were protesting those designed simply to raise money. Unlike in Mexico’s case, there had been over fifty years of salutary neglect causing the new regulations to seriously alarm and upset the colonists. However, similarly, both the Mexican colonists and the American ones were upset by these unexpected economic costs that largely, and, seemingly, adversely affected them. According to Brune Leone’s The Mexican War of Independence the Criollo resentment in particular had greatly weakened the relations between New Spain and its mother country by the start of the 19th century. Another large factor in spurring the independence movement was the influence of the Enlightenment taking place in Europe. This was a large factor working for American Independence as well. Many Criollos in New Spain began to read the works of the Enlightenment writers and then began to question the benefits and reasons for their colonial relationship with Spain. The Mexican colonists were also affected by the examples of the American Revolution and the French Revolution. All of the aforementioned factors contributed to the independence movement of Mexico. However, the main steps towards independence came because of Napoleon’s invasion of Spain in 1808. The monarchy was greatly weakened when Napoleon gave the crown to his brother causing the people of Madrid to revolt. With Spain’s back turned, the leaders of New Spain began to argue amongst themselves. The viceroy was forced to allow the Criollos to participate in administration. Then, a group of Peninsulares, those who had been placed in many of the administrative positions, did not like that the Criollos were gaining any influence in the government. They staged a coup d’etat and overthrew the viceregal government. Shortly before dawn on September 16, 1810, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla made a monumentous decision that revolutionized the course of Mexican history. Within hours, Hidalgo, a Catholic priest in the village of Dolores, ordered the arrest of Dolores native Spaniards. Then Hidalgo rang the church bell as he customarily did to call the indians to mass. The message that Hidalgo gave to the indians and mestizos called them to retaliate against the hated Gachupines, or native Spaniards, who had exploited and oppressed Mexicans for ten generations. Although a movement toward Mexican independence had already been in progress since Napoleons conquest of Spain, Hidalgos passionate declaration was a swift, unpremeditated decision on his part. Mexicanos, Viva Mexico! (Mexicans, long live Mexico! ) Hidalgo told the Mexicans who were the members of New Spains lowest caste. He urged the exploited and embittered Mexicans to recover the lands that were stolen from their forefathers. That he was calling these people to revolution was a radical change from the original revolution plot devised by the Criollos, or Mexican-born Spaniards. On September 1 6, 1810, Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a priest who had become familiar with the ideas of the Enlightenment, began a revolt in hopes of freeing Mexico from the Spanish colonial government and its Peninsulares. Hidalgo wanted an immediate abolition of slavery and the end of taxes on Native Americans. Tens of thousands of Native Americans near Mexico City joined thousands of Mestizos in their uprising because they had been suffering from rising food prices and their constantly declining wages. Gathering adherents like a snowball rolling downhill, this mob-army numbered several hundred when it captured San Miguel (today San Miguel de Allende), 6,000 when it entered Celaya, 20,000 when it rolled into Guanajuato, 50,000 when it overran Valladolid and 82,000 as it engulfed Toluca and menaced Mexico City. Few Criollos joined this rebellion because of the violence and destruction. Many sided with the offering of stability from the Peninsulares instead. Groups of Criollos across Mexico had been plotting to overthrow the authority of Gachupines who, because of their Spanish birth, had legal and social priority over the Mexican born Criollos. When Joseph Bonaparte replaced King Ferdinand as the leader of Spain, the Criollos recognized a prime opportunity for Mexican sovereignity. The nucleus of this movement was a group of intellectuals in Queretaro led by the Corregidor of Queretaro (state official), his wife and a group of army officers distinguished by the adventurous Ignacio Allende. The Criollos plan for revolution did not originally focus on the manpower of the Mexicans. Instead, the Criollos sought to avoid military confrontation by convincing Criollo army officers to sever their allegiance to the Gachupines. By claiming loyalty to the defeated King Ferdinand, the Criollos aimed to establish Mexico as an independent nation within King Ferdinands Spanish empire. The Gachupines who claimed authority under Bonapartes rule would be driven out of Mexico. Hidalgo had close ties with this group. Approaching sixty years of age, Hidalgo was beloved and greatly respected by Mexicans. Once the dean of the College of San Nicolas at Valladolid in Michoacan (now Morelia), Hidalgo was a well-educated, courageous humanitarian. He was sympathetic to the Indians, which was unusual amongst Mexican clergymen. Against Gachupin law, Hidalgo taught Indians to plant olives, mulberries and grapevines and to manufacture pottery and leather. His actions irritated the Spanish viceroy who, as a punitive measure, cut down Hidalgos trees and vines. Rebel forces fought royalist forces near Mexico City. Many inexperienced soldiers deserted the force, however, which had suffered large losses even though the royalists did retreat. By January of 1811, the remainder of Hidalgo’s army was defeated near Guadalajara. Hidalgo himself was caught when he fled to the north in March of that year. He was executed on July 30, 1811. Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon was the next priest to lead in the way of independence. He also called for racial and social equality. He was a better military commander than Hidalgo and under him large amounts of territory was captured. He declared Mexican an independent nation in 1813. However, royalist forces still controlled Mexico city. Morelo’s continued to fight until 1815 when Morelos was captured and executed. The Spanish revolution of 1820 changed the rebellion in Mexico. It restored the more liberal constitution of 1812 and emphasized representative government and individual liberty. The Mexican leaders were dismayed by these liberal political tendencies in Spain, but their biggest concern was the instability of Spain. Iturbide met Guerrero in 1821 and they signed an agreement to combine their forces to bring about Mexico’s independence. Their plan was called the Plan of Iguala. It guaranteed that Mexico would become an independent country and be ruled as a limited monarchy, that the Roman Catholic Church would be the state church, and that the Criollos would have the same rights as the Peninsulares. The viceroy did not oppose Iturbide and was thus forced to resign. The last viceroy of New Spain arrived in Mexico in July of 1821 and was made to accept the Treaty of Cordoba. This marked the formal beginning of Mexican independence. Iturbide became emperor of Mexico. He held that position until 1823 when he was overthrown by military revolt. A republic was then proclaimed and Guadalupe Victoria became the first president. Mexico was not prepared for creating a new republic. Social stability and the economy had been destroyed because of civil war. There was no one who had the political experience to unite the nation together. Deciding the actual role of the federal government needed time and debate. In 1824, the first constitution was ratified. It allowed state legislators the power to elect both the president and the vice president. This resulted in a series of weak presidents that were forced to attempt to create as effective government as possible. The American and Mexican revolutions were very similar in their initial reasons for beginning their struggle for independence. The actual revolutions were also less than fifty years apart. Both the American and Mexican revolutionaries lacked the great deal of military force that their mother countries had. Their combatants were supposedly far superior military wise, but they were defeated in both conquests for independence. When Mexico first gained its independence, however, it began as a monarchy. America had more of sound beginning on paper, but also had many problems in establishing a government best suited for the people, that would be accepted by them. Both America and Mexico suffered economically right after their true declarations of independence. Besides the military aspects, the American and Mexican independence were incredibly similar in the reasons for seeking independence and the first outcomes after independence. Bibliography: Galicia, Angie. â€Å"Don Miguel Hidalgo, Father of Mexico’s Independence† inside-mexico. com/laentrevista2. htm Paz, Octavio, â€Å"Exit from the Labyrinth, The Hidalgo Revolt† Sisk, Cynthia. â€Å"Hidalgo y Castilla, Miguel. Historic Text Archive† http://historicaltextarchive. com/sections. php? op=viewarticleartid=551 Stein, Conrad R. â€Å"The Mexican War of Independence (The Story of Mexico). † Oct 31, 2007 Wilmington, DE: SR â€Å"The Wars of Independence in Spanish America. † Books, 2000. Works cited: Galicia, Angie. â€Å"Don Miguel Hidalgo, Father of Mexico’s Independence† inside-mexico. com/laentrevista2. htm Stein, Conrad R. â€Å"The Mexican War of Independence (The Story of Mexico). † Oct 31, 2007 Wilmington, DE: SR â€Å"The Wars of Independence in Spanish America. † Books, 2000.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Memories Of The Alhambra

Memories of the Alhambra The novel, Memories of the Alhambra, by Nash Candelaria tells the story of a man’s search for the roots of his heritage. The novel takes place some time shortly after World War II. The main characters of the novel are Jose Rafa, his wife Theresa Rafa, and his son Joe Rafa. Given that the Rafas are members of a minority culture, people in a social hierarchy, with inferior power and less secure access to resources than majority groups, they experience all types of discrimination that shapes their lives. The majority culture influences a person’s life choices through discrimination such as language barrier and the assumptions that people who are born in a minority culture will always have a lower status than those people in a majority culture. As a minority living in a majority culture, Joe Rafa, much like his father Jose Rafa, was never proud of his Mexican heritage. When Jose Rafa was in school, he was extremely embarrassed and ashamed when the teacher asked him about his nationality. Similarly, Joe Rafa had the same predicament; Joe hated his heritage because in school he got into many fights because other kids would be derogatory and call him names like â€Å"Dirty Mexican (84).† Joe’s parents had to transfer Joe to a parochial school for discipline. Fortunately, Joe was able to use this to his advantage; under the loving care of his new teachers, Joe realized that knowledge was the real power. Because Joe was a minority existing in a majority world, Joe learned to be quiet, but smarter. Joe recognized that in order to become better then the majority, he needed to be the smartest student in the class; he must beat them at their own game, in their own field. When Joe came to understand the meaning of dili gence and in! telligence being the true power, his school career blossomed. He became an honor student and found a group of friends with whom he could relate. In this case, being a minority gave Joe th... Free Essays on Memories Of The Alhambra Free Essays on Memories Of The Alhambra Memories of the Alhambra The novel, Memories of the Alhambra, by Nash Candelaria tells the story of a man’s search for the roots of his heritage. The novel takes place some time shortly after World War II. The main characters of the novel are Jose Rafa, his wife Theresa Rafa, and his son Joe Rafa. Given that the Rafas are members of a minority culture, people in a social hierarchy, with inferior power and less secure access to resources than majority groups, they experience all types of discrimination that shapes their lives. The majority culture influences a person’s life choices through discrimination such as language barrier and the assumptions that people who are born in a minority culture will always have a lower status than those people in a majority culture. As a minority living in a majority culture, Joe Rafa, much like his father Jose Rafa, was never proud of his Mexican heritage. When Jose Rafa was in school, he was extremely embarrassed and ashamed when the teacher asked him about his nationality. Similarly, Joe Rafa had the same predicament; Joe hated his heritage because in school he got into many fights because other kids would be derogatory and call him names like â€Å"Dirty Mexican (84).† Joe’s parents had to transfer Joe to a parochial school for discipline. Fortunately, Joe was able to use this to his advantage; under the loving care of his new teachers, Joe realized that knowledge was the real power. Because Joe was a minority existing in a majority world, Joe learned to be quiet, but smarter. Joe recognized that in order to become better then the majority, he needed to be the smartest student in the class; he must beat them at their own game, in their own field. When Joe came to understand the meaning of dili gence and in! telligence being the true power, his school career blossomed. He became an honor student and found a group of friends with whom he could relate. In this case, being a minority gave Joe th...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Reading Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Reading Response - Essay Example He says that poverty is an indication of ignorance and crime. After he saw three handcuffed men being taken away, he that they were not rich men and without knowing their criminal offence, he knew that poverty had contributed to their misery. He then says that poverty contributes to nine tenths of the human miseries. He holds that poverty is a crime since it seems to him that majority of those suffering from poverty are not poor due to their own faults, but as a result of conditions that have been created by the whole society. It is a mans decision if he chooses to be poor but when others are involved, he is responsible for the criminality. He says it is true on the analogy of the priest and the man selling soap. The man would rather be that poor doing dubious business to provide for his family than to have his soul saved. He says that poverty is not brought about the natural means but by the human actions evident when people seek shelter and children with the women suffering the mos t. Poverty problem is not noticed in nature but in a civilized world. He says that the root cause of poverty is primary injustice and the monopolization of land. He is logical in his speech. He differentiates crime from being poor when he states that poverty is a crime but being poor is not a crime and murder is a crime but being murdered is not a crime. He also explains that poverty is curse for both the rich and the poor; they all live in the same areas and breathe the poverty since it is like air. He argues that forcing poverty to other people is a crime and blames the society for the poor conditions of poverty. He defends the poor but also argues that they are partly responsible for poverty. He also uses logic when he states that poverty is a result of injustice and monopolization of land that has enslaved others in the name of freedom. George uses pathos when he argues that poverty would not have been a crime if it was divine but

Friday, November 1, 2019

Inventory Management Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Inventory Management Systems - Assignment Example Other equipment required in the inventory is the barcode printer and scanner. The scanner will be used to read and identify the product. It looks up the information it present about the product (Bernard, 2002). The printer will print a receipt showing summary of the product purchased and total price of the product. New computer set of more than 2 GB RAM, 2.3 Gigahertz duo core processor and more than 250 GB hard disk will be required to install the software and database for keeping information of the entire inventory. External hard disk will also be required for backups. Barcode readers and printers can also be purchase with their user manuals and drivers ( Manthou & Vlachopoulou 2001). The hardware includes the computer set with correct operating system, Ink jet printers with its drivers and the external hard disk. Maintenance of the inventory system is modifying it after delivery to correct faults, make it more users friendly, and improve its performance and many other attributes. This will ensure that the defects in the system are fixed and make it more interactive. Maintenance required includes the following; Perfective maintenance involves implementing changed or new user requirements that will improve the performance of the inventory system and ensure that it meets up to date requirements of the business. Preventive maintenance ensures that the inventory system is reliable and prevents any future problems. Proper maintenance of the system will ensure that the system works efficiently and effectively all the time and cannot slow down any business process. Manthou, V., & Vlachopoulou, M. (2001). Bar-code technology for inventory and marketing management systems: A model for its development and implementation. International Journal Of Production Economics, 71(1),

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Summaries of Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summaries of Articles - Essay Example Another form of music of the white and black which came from the same origin is religious music. Beginning in the mid-17th century, black slaves receives religious instructions from their masters. At the same time, British preachers have also started their religious missions in their American colonies thereby influencing both races in the nation. Camp meetings for the black slaves become the most important venue where Africans absorbed hymns and Gospel songs. The shape-note method which is both utilized by black slaves and Americans serve a clear indication of the influence of British in south music. Recognizing the rapid advancement in technology in the modern world, this journal article examines the transformation from music publishing to MP3. The article recognizes the profit motive of business organizations engaged in the production of music and the utilization of technology in order to maximize returns. The author stresses that the understanding of how music evolved can be traced to the understanding of where technology developed. It then equates music popularity and culture with industrialized economies which can produce music most efficiently. From the humble publishing of music, the world has witnessed the burgeoning power of private labels in music production. However, this trend is now being altered through the internet technology which allows artists to market their musical creations to the public. The main argument of the author in the novel is the inexistent conflict between the black and the white. This is highlighted through the four movies which are given as examples in order to prove his point which includes Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The Birth of a Nation, The Jazz Singer, and Gone with the Wind. His apparent goal is to prove that Jewish immigrants and their offspring â€Å"as vaudeville performers, songwriters, and motion picture moguls become the examples for a structure of exploitation produced a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Twelve Angry Men Essay Example for Free

Twelve Angry Men Essay Twelve Angry Men depicts different types of leadership, communication, and group dynamics. The film revolves around the jurisdiction of a homicide trial with a jury that almost unanimously votes the defendant guilty, with only one opposing voter. This man, Juror #8, presents his decision through ideas of reasonable doubt that spiral into a majority vote of not-guilty. So, how does a group of twelve men completely shift their point of view from guilty to not-guilty? The power of effective leadership and communication. Juror #8 was able to effectively communicate with the men to think of other scenarios that prove the defendant not-guilty through democratic styled leadership. He did not necessarily think the defendant was not guilty. However, he was not positive the boy was guilty and did not want to make a decision without 100% confidence. Therefore, he communicated his view by encouraging the jury to examine the facts in a new light and opening a discussion amongst the jurors. The re-analyzation of the facts arose new questions about the verity of the facts, allowing some, and eventually all, of the jurors to question their original declaration of guilty. Lack of leadership and communication from the majority are also factors in the change of decision. The group of 11 men did not have a solid leader to hold together their original verdict. In the beginning, juror #1 was the apparent leader of the group. He stated the jury procedures and inquired each man’s vote. When opposition from juror #8 arose, he attempted to get the group to dismiss the idea. Eventually, he loses interest in caring and steps back as the leader. A disinterest by other jurors was also seen when some were playing games. It was also evident that some jurors only went with the majority based on hidden agendas such as wanting the trial to be over or personal opinions of people such as prejudices. In addition, Juror #3 is the prime opposer to the questions presented by juror #8. He is vocal about his confidence in his decision towards the defendant. However, his leadership style was of an autocratic nature, which worked to his disadvantage. People are more likely to follow a kind leader than someone who belittles and frightens. Therefore, Juror #8 had effective communication to win over the quiet jurors who were first too intimidated to question the majority. He dominated the discussion and lead with powerful points that left the jurors thinking. He created an open discussion. This lead to jurors asking valid questions on the verity of the facts presented. Turning points came when a witness’ testimony was questioned due to their poor vision proved through glasses marks on her nose, the angel of the man’s wound from the stab, presenting a knife that was claimed to be one of a kind, and the actual time it wold take for the witness to see what happened after they heard the scream. The film also shows how leadership thrives with the addition of followers. Without followers one cannot be declared a leader. If juror #8 stated and expressed reasons for his view and no others followed, the decision would have been in the majority’s favor and juror #8 would have just been a man with an opinion. Instead, he was able to first convince juror #9, which immediately gave his opinion credibility. Once juror #9 switched sides, it was evident that everyone else re-examined their opinion and started to formulate valid questions. Juror #9 was able to break the hold of group think, allowing others to actually voice their thoughts. This especially pertains to the quiet jurors who were originally too intimidated to question the majority. These jurors were now actually able to think for themselves and were open to communicate juror #8’s points of reasonable doubt. Twelve Angry Men is also an interesting depiction of group dynamics. In a group, decision-making can be hindered due to majority process. When a majority is present, it is easy for others to join in. This was displayed in the beginning of the film. There were a couple to quickly charge the defendant as guilty and others followed, although some appeared hesitant. They only made a decision once they saw the other opinions. This is a common problem in a group setting. It is too much effort to be the odd man out. Therefore, the quieter and more timid people conform to the majority for an easy solution. Juror #8 intelligently realized this group dynamic and intelligently focused his attention to the quiet members. He asked that another vote be taken by secret ballots. This is an effective way of voting that allowed for better communication, allowing the quieter jurors to submit their vote in private. This proved effective when the vote switched from 11-1 to 10-2. This lead to an open discussion amongst many in the group, drawing valuable ideas and opinions that they might not have offered otherwise. Juror #8 created a setting for group discussion where everyone started to work together as a team to determine the verdict of the case. As a team, the jury unanimously shifted their vote to not-guilty; an excellent demonstration on the power of effective communication and leadership.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Impact on America of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Essay

The Impact on America of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were completely at odds in their vision on how America was to develop. Hamilton wanted to concentrate power in a centralized federal government with limited access and Jefferson wished to diffuse it among all the eligible freemen of the time. Alexander Hamilton feared anarchy and distrusted popular rule while Jefferson feared tyranny and thought in terms of liberty and freedom. Thomas Jefferson was an agrarian soul who favored popular rule. He placed his trust in the land and the people who farmed it and desired that America would remain a nation of farmers. He emphasized liberty, democracy, and social welfare and believed that the main purpose of government was to assure freedom of its individual citizens. He had a fear of tyranny and distrusted centralized power, especially from an aristocracy or a moneyed class. Thomas Jefferson favored the spread of power ranging from the federal level to state and local levels. Jefferson stated, ?I have never observed men?s honesty to increase with their riches.'; Alexander Hamilton, on the other side, distrusted popular rule and emphasized law, order, authority and property. Alexander Hamilton wanted to promote commerce and industry through a strong central government. He also would diversify American economic life by encouraging shipping and creating manufacturing by legislative directive. Hamilton also believed that a ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The green mile

The green mile BY ajW0215 The Green Mile In the year 1999, Director Frank Darabont released The Green Mile, written by Stephen King (Novel) and Frank Darabont (Screenplay). The main characters include Paul Edgecomb (Tom Hanks and Dabbs Greer), Brutus ‘Brutal' Howell (David Morse), Percy Wetmore (Doug Hutchison), and John Coffey (Michael Clarke Duncan). The movie starts out with the protagonist (Old Paul Edgecomb) recalling his memory of his time as a prison guard in the Great Depression (Green Mile).He recalls the year 1935 as he year his bladder infection was the worst it had ever been (Green Mile). He then talks of the first day that he had met John Coffey â€Å"Just like the drink only not spelled the same,† (Green Mile). He then proceeds to talk about the amazing things that started happening in and around Death Row Block â€Å"E† like his bladder infection getting cured, a mouse coming back to life, a cure for a tumor, and finally the â€Å"insanity† p unishment that one of the guards and a certain inmate so rightly deserved (Green Mile).Once he is done with his story, it is found that he is one undred and eight years old and still has many, many more years to go thanks to John Coffey, a very gifted man who was executed in 1935 for the rape and killing of two innocent little girls (Green Mile). He was found to be innocent during the story but only the viewer gets to know that part (Green Mile). The Story artfully ties nursing home life of an old prison guard to that of an inmate on death row. The Green Mile talks about segregation and â€Å"open and shut† cases. The movie also touches on the historic lack of delay before an execution, particularly in those involving an AfricanAmerican. In the nursing home, Paul is confined to the premises by walls and rules, both of which he habitually breaks. Rules he breaks by eating white bread every day while the â€Å"rules† dictate he should be eating healthy. He â€Å"breaksà ¢â‚¬  the walls by taking long walks every day, even though it is dictated that he needs to stay within the confines of the building. The staff is concerned, but tends to turn a blind eye. This is a direct contrast to his life as a guard on death row, where he was surrounded by alleged law breakers who were forced to stay within the confines of their cells until he day they were to die.It is allegorical in that he is also confined to this life until the day he is to die. Segregation was illustrated by how everyone took one look at John and declared him guilty Just because he was black and they could easily compare him to a dog gone rogue; they never stopped to listen to his side of the story. In this film, we can assume that if it had been a white man who was found at the scene of the murder, then they would have listened to whatever he had to say and he may have gotten a very different ruling.The illiteracy of blacks comes in when Paul is surprised to hear that John can spell his name, he then asks for John to spell his name and proceeds to interrupt him in the middle of the first name. When the townspeople find John with the two raped and dead girls, they immediately put him to trial and prosecute him. This went to show how officials werent doing a full police investigation if they could present enough evidence that someone could easily find their person guilty, not to mention that if nobody wanted to look at all of the evidence hey didn't nave to.The entire time period tor the memory in this tilm is only a tew weeks between John getting convicted and John getting executed; whereas in today's legal system in the United States, a minimum often years transpires before an execution can happen. Assuming the defendant is convicted in a state that still allows capital punishment; the defendant has many appeals before various or sometimes the same courts to determine if they truly are guilty, if a life sentence is better, or if the decision can be overturned.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cultural diversity in professional comm Essay

While America fought World War II in Europe, riots broke out in the streets of Los Angeles targeting young Latinos. They strived for the same freedom enjoyed by whites, but were treated as poorly as African Americans of the era. In effect, they tried to disassociate themselves from this faction. Young Latino men referred to themselves as pachucos and sported oversize suits known as zoot suits. In the film Zoot Suit Riots, Joseph Tovares remarkably portrayed the difficult lives of Mexican Americans in the 1940s. Zoot Suit Riots is a powerful film that explores the complicated racial tensions, as well as the changing social and political scene leading up to the riots in the streets of Los Angeles in the summer of 1943. White Americans, police and service men targeted Latinos with their racist attitudes. Tovares argues that these Mexican American adolescents were victims, but they also stood up for themselves and fought back to gain the respect they felt they deserved. This generation of Americanized Latino children wanted to be recognized as American on their own terms. To distinguish themselves from their parents’ generation, they became zoot suitors, but learned that was not enough as racism was a widespread phenomenon across America. Tovares accurately portrays the lives of Mexican Americans victimized by highlighting the Sleepy Lagoon Case. To white Americans in Los Angeles, the murder was proof that Mexican American crime was spiraling out of control. Tovares, however, uses this as evidence to support that they were mistreated because the Mexican American suspects taken into custody all wore zoot suits. This reinforced the opinion white Americans had of Mexican Americans and their apprehension of men in zoot suits. He also interviewed both Mexican Americans and White Americans who lived during this event, even some participants in the riots. His use of oral history throughout the film is captivating as you hear the voice and emotional reaction of a person who actually experienced these riots. Tovares interviews Hank Leyyas sister, an important defendant in the case, who lived through the crime, the trail, the city, everything. She remembers it all and how much it affected her brother’s life. Her emotions when describing the riots helps the viewer understand how people were affected. Sailors of the time admitted in their interviews to attacking Mexican Americans and Mexican Americans admitted to reciprocating the behavior. Tovares’ film reflects on the racist abuse Mexican Americans received not only from White American citizens, but also from authority figures. Edward Escobar’s historical article, Zoot-Suiters and Cops, supports Tovares’ argument that zoot suitors were seen as dangers to society and this brought upon the attacks on them, but Escobar focuses more on the police aspect of the riots. Escobar argues, â€Å"Police, along with local civic leaders, believed that Mexican American youth, especially young males, were inclined toward violent crime. This belief merged with police officers’ frustration over their inability to crack down on the alleged lawbreakers and led to their allowing servicemen to beat and humiliate the zoot-suiters† (Escobar, 1996). Tovares agrees that police were problematic, but focuses more on the Sleepy Lagoon Case involving Mexican and White Americans who participated or lived during the riots. Escobar states that the LAPD consistently arrested Mexican Americans at a higher rate than the general population. During the war these numbers increased, especially arresting young Mexican Americans. However, Escobar argues that police officials misinterpreted their own statistics. Reported crime actually fell during 1942 and 1943, the years of the alleged crime wave. These â€Å"increases in arrests resulted more from changes in the law and in police practices than from changes in Mexican American behavior. Specifically, new immigration and draft laws for adults and curfew ordinances for juveniles, created new classes of laws that Mexican Americans violated, increasing the arrest statistics† (Escobar, 1996). The LAPD also employed selective enforcement in barrios than in white sections like the curfew ordinance as an example. This evidence strongly supports Escobar’s argument that the LAPD was more inclined towards the harsh treatment of Mexican Americans. Escobar focuses more on this than Tovares did throughout the film. While Tovares and Escobar both focus on the discrimination zoot suiters felt, Thomas Guglielmo shifts his focus to Mexican American racism was not only in Los Angeles but also in Texas in his historical article, Fighting for Caucasian Rights. Guglielmo argues that Mexican Americans who were born in the United States showed that they only cared about the United States but needed to be looked at again. They seemed active, focusing on being American, distant from Mexico but really these Mexican American’s due to the Good Neighbor policy still identified themselves with Mexico. Compared to Tovares, Guglielmo looks at American battles in Texas and legislative matter compared to the Los Angeles zoot suit riots. Guglielmo goes against Tovares perspective and says that there is more to Mexican American racism outside of Los Angeles. During the war more people of Mexican descent lived in Texas than any other state. These Mexican Americans that lived here are fighting for equality through legislation unlike the Mexican American’s in Los Angeles who are fighting for the same but by rebelling out through wearing zoot suits and adapting to that way of life. Both Toraves and Escobar perspective is on zoot suiters and police interaction where as Guglielmo focuses more on just Mexican Americans in Texas. Guglielmo argument is not as convincing to me because he focuses too much on legislation and Mexico compared to Toraves and Escobar focus on the discrimination Mexican Americans faced during the war that resulted in the riots. Toraves, Escobar and Guglielmo all highlight the struggle Mexican American’s faced fighting for equality, just presented it in different ways. Tovares strongly emphasized why the Mexican Americans wanted to break free. They were tired of being told what to do, where to go, what to wear. They created an image for themselves that separated them from everyone else. Escobar stated that the zoot suit phenomenon resulted primarily from the racism, discrimination, and extreme poverty that people of Mexican descent faced in the United States (Escobar, 1996). It did not necessarily give Mexican American’s more rights and equality’s that they fought for indirectly but brought national attention to their race that they needed to bring attention to fight for themselves. CITATION: Esobar. Zoot-suiters and Cops: Chicano Youth and the Los Angeles Police Department during World War II. 284-303. 1996 Guglielmo. Fighting for Caucasian Rights: Mexicans, Mexican Americans and the transnational struggle for Civil Rights in World War II Texas. 1212-1237. 2006 Tovares, Joseph, dir. Zoot Suit Riots. 2002. PBS Home Video. DVD-ROM.