Sunday, January 5, 2020

Rising Up in Still I Rise by Maya Angelou Essays - 649 Words

Rising Up in Still I Rise by Maya Angelou ?Still I Rise? by Maya Angelou is directed towards blacks on how to be proud of their ancestry, themselves, and their overall appearance. The poem is a special and motivating poem that African-Americans (and other races for that matter) should read and take to heart. According to African-Americans, Maya Angelou states that no matter what white Americans (slave owners) say or do to African-Americans (slaves) they can still rise up to make a better life for themselves and their race as a whole. One reason blacks should rise above their oppression is so they can better themselves and in turn make a better life for their next generation, just as their ancestors tried to do. ?Bring the†¦show more content†¦Self love and assurance are also a major component to rising above others as Maya Angelou explains in her poem. She expresses herself by saying sassiness, which means to talk to someone disrespectfully, can help a person achieve personal satisfaction that may help them take on tough situations. Many slave felt intimidated by their masters and they felt that what their masters said about them was true and without their masters they would be in a worse situation. The appearance, shape, and style of an African-American is another way that whites try to downgrade the African-American race. Many blacks in the past and the presence have a problem with their shape, hair, and overall appearance due to the way whites despised their looks. Maya Angelou is trying to help other African-Americans see the beauty within themselves and not let the hatefulness of white Americans influence how they feel about themselves by saying ?You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I?ll rise?. Some white Americans may interpret the previous quote differently by saying they can talk to the slaves the way they want, they can give the slaves an evil look, they can also be hateful to the slaves, but no matter what the slave masters will continue to be better and rise about the slaves. In myShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Determination Essay687 Words   |  3 Pagesthat one does not give up, and to keep trying until they successfully overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. â€Å"Mother to Son† by Langston Hughes and â€Å"Still I Rise† by Maya Angelou are two different works written by two different authors yet they both convey the same message. Together, the two authors stress the significance of pushing harder when faced with conflicts rather than simply giving up. 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