Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay on Violating the Fourth Amendment Rights of...

In this case, I am presenting an individual citizens Fourth Amendment protection captivated from Jones and others individuals. The government started investigating Jones with a suspicions conspiracy of drug trafficking. A tracking device installed on the defendants’ vehicle after a terminated authorize a warrant permanent to the Government to search and install a GPA on Jones vehicle. Antoine Jones and others with the same conspiracy of the investigation were sentenced life imprisoned by the District Court Juries of Washington District of Columbia. The jury found Jones guilty of drug trafficking and possessions. The 12 amendments proposed in 1789, that constitutions the Bill of Rights under no circumstance to protections individualities†¦show more content†¦As well as without the defendants’ knowledge, the tracker installed in the vehicle for 28 days. â€Å"The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in U.S. vs. Jones to determine whether the police had violated A ntoine Jones’ Fourth Amendment rights when they attached a GPS to his car without a warrant and tracked his movements.† (Andrew) ACCUSER ARGUMENT The Government argued the defendants’ Fourth Amendment not violated under the constitutional because the parked vehicle was at a public lot. In some States, the Government has the authority to allow police officers to search a vehicle without the necessity of warrant. â€Å" long as a state is deciding law based upon its interpretation of its own constitution, the state can be more restrictive than the Supreme Court. However, if the state is interpreting the 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution, then they must follow the body of law established by the United States Supreme Court†(Policelink). The Government believes the attachment of the monitoring device for search was a responsible forfeiting act. As well as wiretapping the defendants cellular to help them enforce a predominantly well prepared investigation. SUPREME COURT/ RULING Once the District Court closed the case of sentencing Jones life imprisoned before appeals on a case that could have violated Jones right as a citizen. The Supreme Court reenacts the case by reversing the Government’s firm action of convicting Jones forShow MoreRelatedOn November 18, 2011, Charges Were Brought Against Antoine1104 Words   |  5 PagesNovember 18, 2011, charges were brought against Antoine Jones for possession of drug trafficking. The case was held by the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 10-1259, Citation 565 U.S 132 s. Ct. 945, 181 L. Ed 2d 911; United States, petitioner v. Antoine Jones. All 9 parties of the Supreme Court were present for the trial as well as the plaintiffs which were the law enforcements along with Deputy Michael R. Dreeben and the defendant Antoine Jones. Each party had a chance to deliberate their opinionsRead MoreUnited States Court Of Appeals For The District Of Columbia Circuit963 Words   |  4 PagesUnit ed States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit United States, Appellee v. Antoine Jones, Appellant ON APPEAL AS OF RIGHT FROM THE U.S. DISTRICT COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Case No. M2201-03453-CWA-T3-SP Parker Parker Attorneys for Appellant Oral Argument Requested I. Table of Contents: A. Table of Authorities: (Page 2) B. Statement of Issues Presented for Review: (Page 2) C. Statement of the Case: (Page 3) D. ProceduralRead MoreThe Constitution Of The United States Essay1455 Words   |  6 Pagesequal protection clause. 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This is considered unlawful in regards to what the Fourth Amendment stands for. Even under theRead MoreThe Espionage Of The United States Government1585 Words   |  7 Pagescan be significant, the potential for crime reduction may be even greater† (â€Å"Should Law,† 2011). One example that demonstrates the great success of using GPS tracking device was arrest of drug kingpin, Antoine Jones. Installing a GPS tracking device on his car significantly helped police to track Jones every 10 seconds. The tracking led to â€Å"†¦ the seizure of 97 kilograms of cocaine and $850,000 at a stash house† (Totenberg). Another example of a successful use of GPS tracking device by police was the

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