Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Summaries of Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summaries of Articles - Essay Example Another form of music of the white and black which came from the same origin is religious music. Beginning in the mid-17th century, black slaves receives religious instructions from their masters. At the same time, British preachers have also started their religious missions in their American colonies thereby influencing both races in the nation. Camp meetings for the black slaves become the most important venue where Africans absorbed hymns and Gospel songs. The shape-note method which is both utilized by black slaves and Americans serve a clear indication of the influence of British in south music. Recognizing the rapid advancement in technology in the modern world, this journal article examines the transformation from music publishing to MP3. The article recognizes the profit motive of business organizations engaged in the production of music and the utilization of technology in order to maximize returns. The author stresses that the understanding of how music evolved can be traced to the understanding of where technology developed. It then equates music popularity and culture with industrialized economies which can produce music most efficiently. From the humble publishing of music, the world has witnessed the burgeoning power of private labels in music production. However, this trend is now being altered through the internet technology which allows artists to market their musical creations to the public. The main argument of the author in the novel is the inexistent conflict between the black and the white. This is highlighted through the four movies which are given as examples in order to prove his point which includes Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The Birth of a Nation, The Jazz Singer, and Gone with the Wind. His apparent goal is to prove that Jewish immigrants and their offspring â€Å"as vaudeville performers, songwriters, and motion picture moguls become the examples for a structure of exploitation produced a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Twelve Angry Men Essay Example for Free

Twelve Angry Men Essay Twelve Angry Men depicts different types of leadership, communication, and group dynamics. The film revolves around the jurisdiction of a homicide trial with a jury that almost unanimously votes the defendant guilty, with only one opposing voter. This man, Juror #8, presents his decision through ideas of reasonable doubt that spiral into a majority vote of not-guilty. So, how does a group of twelve men completely shift their point of view from guilty to not-guilty? The power of effective leadership and communication. Juror #8 was able to effectively communicate with the men to think of other scenarios that prove the defendant not-guilty through democratic styled leadership. He did not necessarily think the defendant was not guilty. However, he was not positive the boy was guilty and did not want to make a decision without 100% confidence. Therefore, he communicated his view by encouraging the jury to examine the facts in a new light and opening a discussion amongst the jurors. The re-analyzation of the facts arose new questions about the verity of the facts, allowing some, and eventually all, of the jurors to question their original declaration of guilty. Lack of leadership and communication from the majority are also factors in the change of decision. The group of 11 men did not have a solid leader to hold together their original verdict. In the beginning, juror #1 was the apparent leader of the group. He stated the jury procedures and inquired each man’s vote. When opposition from juror #8 arose, he attempted to get the group to dismiss the idea. Eventually, he loses interest in caring and steps back as the leader. A disinterest by other jurors was also seen when some were playing games. It was also evident that some jurors only went with the majority based on hidden agendas such as wanting the trial to be over or personal opinions of people such as prejudices. In addition, Juror #3 is the prime opposer to the questions presented by juror #8. He is vocal about his confidence in his decision towards the defendant. However, his leadership style was of an autocratic nature, which worked to his disadvantage. People are more likely to follow a kind leader than someone who belittles and frightens. Therefore, Juror #8 had effective communication to win over the quiet jurors who were first too intimidated to question the majority. He dominated the discussion and lead with powerful points that left the jurors thinking. He created an open discussion. This lead to jurors asking valid questions on the verity of the facts presented. Turning points came when a witness’ testimony was questioned due to their poor vision proved through glasses marks on her nose, the angel of the man’s wound from the stab, presenting a knife that was claimed to be one of a kind, and the actual time it wold take for the witness to see what happened after they heard the scream. The film also shows how leadership thrives with the addition of followers. Without followers one cannot be declared a leader. If juror #8 stated and expressed reasons for his view and no others followed, the decision would have been in the majority’s favor and juror #8 would have just been a man with an opinion. Instead, he was able to first convince juror #9, which immediately gave his opinion credibility. Once juror #9 switched sides, it was evident that everyone else re-examined their opinion and started to formulate valid questions. Juror #9 was able to break the hold of group think, allowing others to actually voice their thoughts. This especially pertains to the quiet jurors who were originally too intimidated to question the majority. These jurors were now actually able to think for themselves and were open to communicate juror #8’s points of reasonable doubt. Twelve Angry Men is also an interesting depiction of group dynamics. In a group, decision-making can be hindered due to majority process. When a majority is present, it is easy for others to join in. This was displayed in the beginning of the film. There were a couple to quickly charge the defendant as guilty and others followed, although some appeared hesitant. They only made a decision once they saw the other opinions. This is a common problem in a group setting. It is too much effort to be the odd man out. Therefore, the quieter and more timid people conform to the majority for an easy solution. Juror #8 intelligently realized this group dynamic and intelligently focused his attention to the quiet members. He asked that another vote be taken by secret ballots. This is an effective way of voting that allowed for better communication, allowing the quieter jurors to submit their vote in private. This proved effective when the vote switched from 11-1 to 10-2. This lead to an open discussion amongst many in the group, drawing valuable ideas and opinions that they might not have offered otherwise. Juror #8 created a setting for group discussion where everyone started to work together as a team to determine the verdict of the case. As a team, the jury unanimously shifted their vote to not-guilty; an excellent demonstration on the power of effective communication and leadership.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Impact on America of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Essay

The Impact on America of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were completely at odds in their vision on how America was to develop. Hamilton wanted to concentrate power in a centralized federal government with limited access and Jefferson wished to diffuse it among all the eligible freemen of the time. Alexander Hamilton feared anarchy and distrusted popular rule while Jefferson feared tyranny and thought in terms of liberty and freedom. Thomas Jefferson was an agrarian soul who favored popular rule. He placed his trust in the land and the people who farmed it and desired that America would remain a nation of farmers. He emphasized liberty, democracy, and social welfare and believed that the main purpose of government was to assure freedom of its individual citizens. He had a fear of tyranny and distrusted centralized power, especially from an aristocracy or a moneyed class. Thomas Jefferson favored the spread of power ranging from the federal level to state and local levels. Jefferson stated, ?I have never observed men?s honesty to increase with their riches.'; Alexander Hamilton, on the other side, distrusted popular rule and emphasized law, order, authority and property. Alexander Hamilton wanted to promote commerce and industry through a strong central government. He also would diversify American economic life by encouraging shipping and creating manufacturing by legislative directive. Hamilton also believed that a ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The green mile

The green mile BY ajW0215 The Green Mile In the year 1999, Director Frank Darabont released The Green Mile, written by Stephen King (Novel) and Frank Darabont (Screenplay). The main characters include Paul Edgecomb (Tom Hanks and Dabbs Greer), Brutus ‘Brutal' Howell (David Morse), Percy Wetmore (Doug Hutchison), and John Coffey (Michael Clarke Duncan). The movie starts out with the protagonist (Old Paul Edgecomb) recalling his memory of his time as a prison guard in the Great Depression (Green Mile).He recalls the year 1935 as he year his bladder infection was the worst it had ever been (Green Mile). He then talks of the first day that he had met John Coffey â€Å"Just like the drink only not spelled the same,† (Green Mile). He then proceeds to talk about the amazing things that started happening in and around Death Row Block â€Å"E† like his bladder infection getting cured, a mouse coming back to life, a cure for a tumor, and finally the â€Å"insanity† p unishment that one of the guards and a certain inmate so rightly deserved (Green Mile).Once he is done with his story, it is found that he is one undred and eight years old and still has many, many more years to go thanks to John Coffey, a very gifted man who was executed in 1935 for the rape and killing of two innocent little girls (Green Mile). He was found to be innocent during the story but only the viewer gets to know that part (Green Mile). The Story artfully ties nursing home life of an old prison guard to that of an inmate on death row. The Green Mile talks about segregation and â€Å"open and shut† cases. The movie also touches on the historic lack of delay before an execution, particularly in those involving an AfricanAmerican. In the nursing home, Paul is confined to the premises by walls and rules, both of which he habitually breaks. Rules he breaks by eating white bread every day while the â€Å"rules† dictate he should be eating healthy. He â€Å"breaksà ¢â‚¬  the walls by taking long walks every day, even though it is dictated that he needs to stay within the confines of the building. The staff is concerned, but tends to turn a blind eye. This is a direct contrast to his life as a guard on death row, where he was surrounded by alleged law breakers who were forced to stay within the confines of their cells until he day they were to die.It is allegorical in that he is also confined to this life until the day he is to die. Segregation was illustrated by how everyone took one look at John and declared him guilty Just because he was black and they could easily compare him to a dog gone rogue; they never stopped to listen to his side of the story. In this film, we can assume that if it had been a white man who was found at the scene of the murder, then they would have listened to whatever he had to say and he may have gotten a very different ruling.The illiteracy of blacks comes in when Paul is surprised to hear that John can spell his name, he then asks for John to spell his name and proceeds to interrupt him in the middle of the first name. When the townspeople find John with the two raped and dead girls, they immediately put him to trial and prosecute him. This went to show how officials werent doing a full police investigation if they could present enough evidence that someone could easily find their person guilty, not to mention that if nobody wanted to look at all of the evidence hey didn't nave to.The entire time period tor the memory in this tilm is only a tew weeks between John getting convicted and John getting executed; whereas in today's legal system in the United States, a minimum often years transpires before an execution can happen. Assuming the defendant is convicted in a state that still allows capital punishment; the defendant has many appeals before various or sometimes the same courts to determine if they truly are guilty, if a life sentence is better, or if the decision can be overturned.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cultural diversity in professional comm Essay

While America fought World War II in Europe, riots broke out in the streets of Los Angeles targeting young Latinos. They strived for the same freedom enjoyed by whites, but were treated as poorly as African Americans of the era. In effect, they tried to disassociate themselves from this faction. Young Latino men referred to themselves as pachucos and sported oversize suits known as zoot suits. In the film Zoot Suit Riots, Joseph Tovares remarkably portrayed the difficult lives of Mexican Americans in the 1940s. Zoot Suit Riots is a powerful film that explores the complicated racial tensions, as well as the changing social and political scene leading up to the riots in the streets of Los Angeles in the summer of 1943. White Americans, police and service men targeted Latinos with their racist attitudes. Tovares argues that these Mexican American adolescents were victims, but they also stood up for themselves and fought back to gain the respect they felt they deserved. This generation of Americanized Latino children wanted to be recognized as American on their own terms. To distinguish themselves from their parents’ generation, they became zoot suitors, but learned that was not enough as racism was a widespread phenomenon across America. Tovares accurately portrays the lives of Mexican Americans victimized by highlighting the Sleepy Lagoon Case. To white Americans in Los Angeles, the murder was proof that Mexican American crime was spiraling out of control. Tovares, however, uses this as evidence to support that they were mistreated because the Mexican American suspects taken into custody all wore zoot suits. This reinforced the opinion white Americans had of Mexican Americans and their apprehension of men in zoot suits. He also interviewed both Mexican Americans and White Americans who lived during this event, even some participants in the riots. His use of oral history throughout the film is captivating as you hear the voice and emotional reaction of a person who actually experienced these riots. Tovares interviews Hank Leyyas sister, an important defendant in the case, who lived through the crime, the trail, the city, everything. She remembers it all and how much it affected her brother’s life. Her emotions when describing the riots helps the viewer understand how people were affected. Sailors of the time admitted in their interviews to attacking Mexican Americans and Mexican Americans admitted to reciprocating the behavior. Tovares’ film reflects on the racist abuse Mexican Americans received not only from White American citizens, but also from authority figures. Edward Escobar’s historical article, Zoot-Suiters and Cops, supports Tovares’ argument that zoot suitors were seen as dangers to society and this brought upon the attacks on them, but Escobar focuses more on the police aspect of the riots. Escobar argues, â€Å"Police, along with local civic leaders, believed that Mexican American youth, especially young males, were inclined toward violent crime. This belief merged with police officers’ frustration over their inability to crack down on the alleged lawbreakers and led to their allowing servicemen to beat and humiliate the zoot-suiters† (Escobar, 1996). Tovares agrees that police were problematic, but focuses more on the Sleepy Lagoon Case involving Mexican and White Americans who participated or lived during the riots. Escobar states that the LAPD consistently arrested Mexican Americans at a higher rate than the general population. During the war these numbers increased, especially arresting young Mexican Americans. However, Escobar argues that police officials misinterpreted their own statistics. Reported crime actually fell during 1942 and 1943, the years of the alleged crime wave. These â€Å"increases in arrests resulted more from changes in the law and in police practices than from changes in Mexican American behavior. Specifically, new immigration and draft laws for adults and curfew ordinances for juveniles, created new classes of laws that Mexican Americans violated, increasing the arrest statistics† (Escobar, 1996). The LAPD also employed selective enforcement in barrios than in white sections like the curfew ordinance as an example. This evidence strongly supports Escobar’s argument that the LAPD was more inclined towards the harsh treatment of Mexican Americans. Escobar focuses more on this than Tovares did throughout the film. While Tovares and Escobar both focus on the discrimination zoot suiters felt, Thomas Guglielmo shifts his focus to Mexican American racism was not only in Los Angeles but also in Texas in his historical article, Fighting for Caucasian Rights. Guglielmo argues that Mexican Americans who were born in the United States showed that they only cared about the United States but needed to be looked at again. They seemed active, focusing on being American, distant from Mexico but really these Mexican American’s due to the Good Neighbor policy still identified themselves with Mexico. Compared to Tovares, Guglielmo looks at American battles in Texas and legislative matter compared to the Los Angeles zoot suit riots. Guglielmo goes against Tovares perspective and says that there is more to Mexican American racism outside of Los Angeles. During the war more people of Mexican descent lived in Texas than any other state. These Mexican Americans that lived here are fighting for equality through legislation unlike the Mexican American’s in Los Angeles who are fighting for the same but by rebelling out through wearing zoot suits and adapting to that way of life. Both Toraves and Escobar perspective is on zoot suiters and police interaction where as Guglielmo focuses more on just Mexican Americans in Texas. Guglielmo argument is not as convincing to me because he focuses too much on legislation and Mexico compared to Toraves and Escobar focus on the discrimination Mexican Americans faced during the war that resulted in the riots. Toraves, Escobar and Guglielmo all highlight the struggle Mexican American’s faced fighting for equality, just presented it in different ways. Tovares strongly emphasized why the Mexican Americans wanted to break free. They were tired of being told what to do, where to go, what to wear. They created an image for themselves that separated them from everyone else. Escobar stated that the zoot suit phenomenon resulted primarily from the racism, discrimination, and extreme poverty that people of Mexican descent faced in the United States (Escobar, 1996). It did not necessarily give Mexican American’s more rights and equality’s that they fought for indirectly but brought national attention to their race that they needed to bring attention to fight for themselves. CITATION: Esobar. Zoot-suiters and Cops: Chicano Youth and the Los Angeles Police Department during World War II. 284-303. 1996 Guglielmo. Fighting for Caucasian Rights: Mexicans, Mexican Americans and the transnational struggle for Civil Rights in World War II Texas. 1212-1237. 2006 Tovares, Joseph, dir. Zoot Suit Riots. 2002. PBS Home Video. DVD-ROM.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A New List of Anti-Suffragist Reasons

A New List of Anti-Suffragist Reasons Alice Duer Miller, a writer and poet, wrote a column in the early 20th century for the  New York Tribune  called Are Women People? In this column, she satirized the ideas of the anti-suffrage movement, as a way of promoting womens suffrage. These were published in 1915 in a book by the same name. In this column, she sums up reasons given by the anti-suffrage forces arguing against the womens vote. Millers dry humor comes through as she pairs reasons that contradict each other. Through this simple pairing of mutually contradictory arguments of the anti-suffrage movement, she hopes to show that that their positions are self-defeating. Below these excerpts, youll find additional information about the arguments made. Our Own Twelve Anti-Suffragist Reasons Because no woman will leave her domestic duties to vote.Because no woman who may vote will attend to her domestic duties.Because it will make dissension between husband and wife.Because every woman will vote as her husband tells her to.Because bad women will corrupt politics.Because bad politics will corrupt women.Because women have no power of organization.Because women will form a solid party and outvote men.Because men and women are so different that they must stick to different duties.Because men and women are so much alike that men, with one vote each, can represent their own views and ours too.Because women cannot use force.Because the militants did use force. Reasons #1 and #2 Arguments #1 and #2 are both based on the assumption that a woman has domestic duties, and is based on the separate spheres ideology  that women belong in the domestic sphere, taking care of the home and the children, while men belong in the public sphere. In this ideology, women ruled the domestic sphere and men the public sphere- women had domestic duties and men had public duties. In this division, voting is part of public duties, and thus not a womans proper place. Both arguments assume that women have domestic duties, and both assume that domestic duties and public duties cannot both be attended to by women. In argument #1, its assumed that all women (all being an obvious exaggeration) will chose to stick with their domestic duties, and thus wont vote even if they win the vote. In argument #2, its assumed that if women are permitted to vote, that they will all then abandon completely their domestic duties. Cartoons of the time often emphasized the latter point, showing men for ced into domestic duties. Reasons #3 and #4 In  arguments #3 and #4, the common topic is the effect of a womans vote on marriage, and both assume that husband and wife will discuss their votes. The first of these arguments assumes that if the husband and wife differ on how theyll vote, the fact that she is able to actually cast a vote will make for dissension in the marriage- assuming either that he wont care about her disagreement with his vote if he is the only one to cast a vote, or that she wont mention her disagreement unless shes permitted to vote. In the second, its assumed that all husbands have the power to tell their wives how to vote, and that the wives will obey. A third related argument, not documented in Millers list, was that women already had undue influence on voting because they could influence their husbands and then vote themselves, assuming apparently that women had more influence than men than vice versa. The arguments assume different outcomes when a husband and wife disagree about their vote: that the dissension will be a problem only if the woman can vote, that the woman will obey her husband, and in the third argument which Miller doesnt include, that the woman is more likely to shape her husbands vote than vice versa. Not all can be true of all couples who disagree, nor is it a given that husbands will know what their wives votes will be. Or, for that matter, that all women who will vote are married. Reasons #5 and #6 In this time period, machine politics and their corrupting influence was a common theme already. A few argued for the educated vote, assuming that many who were uneducated voted merely as the political machine wanted them to. In the words of one speaker in 1909, documented in the  New York Times,  The great majority of the Republicans and Democrats follow their leader to the polls as the children followed the Pied Piper. The domestic sphere ideology that assigns women to the home and men to public life (business, politics) is also assumed here. Part of this ideology assumes that women are more pure than men, less corrupt, in part because they are not in the public realm.  Women who are not properly in their place are bad women, and thus #5 argues that they will corrupt politics (as if its not corrupt already). Argument #6 assumes that women, protected by not having the vote from the corrupting influence of politics, will become corrupted by participating actively. This ignores that if politics is corrupt, the influence on women is already a negative influence. One key argument of the pro-suffrage activists is that in corrupt politics, the pure motives of women entering the political realm will clean it up. This argument may be criticized as similarly exaggerated and based on assumptions about womens proper place. Reasons #7 and #8 Pro-suffrage arguments included that womens vote would be good for the country because it would lead to needed reforms. Because there was no national experience with what would happen if women could vote, two contradictory predictions were possible by those who opposed womens vote. In reason #7, the assumption was that women were not organized politically, ignoring their organization to win the vote, work for temperance laws, work for social reforms. If women werent organized politically, then their votes wouldnt be very different from those of men, and there would be no effect of women voting. In reason #8, the pro-suffrage argument about the influence of women in voting was seen as something to fear, that what was already in place, supported by the men who voted, could be overturned if women voted. So these two arguments were mutually incompatible: either women would have an effect on the outcome of voting, or they would not. Reasons #9 and #10 In #9, the anti-suffrage argument is back to the separate spheres ideology, that mens sphere and womens spheres are justified because men and women are so different, and thus women are necessarily excluded by their nature from the political realm including voting. In #10, an opposite argument is mustered, that wives will vote the same as their husband anyway, to justify that women voting is unnecessary because men can vote what was sometimes called at the time a family vote. Reason #10 is also in tension with arguments #3 and #4 which assume that wife and husband will often have disagreement about how to vote. Part of the separate spheres argument was that women were by nature more peaceful, less aggressive, and thus unsuited to the public sphere. Or, in contrast, the argument was that women were by nature more emotional, potentially more aggressive and violent, and that women were to be relegated to the private sphere so that their emotions would be held in check. Reasons #11 and #12 Reason #11 assumes that voting sometimes is related to the use of force- voting for candidates who might be pro-war or pro-policing, for instance. Or that politics itself is about force. And then assuming that women are by nature unable to be aggressive or support aggression. Argument #12 justifies being against women voting, pointing to the force used by British and later American suffrage movements. The argument calls up images of Emmeline Pankhurst, women smashing windows in London, and plays into the idea that women are to be controlled by keeping them in the private, domestic sphere. Reductio ad absurdum Alice Duer Millers popular columns on the anti-suffrage arguments often played on similar  reductio ad absurdum  logical argument, attempting to show that if one followed all the anti-suffrage arguments, an absurd and untenable result followed, as the arguments contradicted each other. The assumptions behind some arguments, or the conclusions predicted, were impossible to both be true. Were some of these strawman arguments- that is, a refutation of an argument that wasnt really being made, an inaccurate view of the other sides argument? When Miller characterizes the opposing arguments as implying that  all  women or  all  couples would do one thing, she may move into strawman territory. While sometimes exaggerating, and perhaps weakening her argument if she were in a merely logical discussion, her purpose was satire- to highlight through her dry humor the contradictions inherent in the arguments against women getting the vote.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Leadership Influence on Market Performance of Companies

Leadership Influence on Market Performance of Companies Introduction Leadership plays an important role in defining the ability of a firm to achieve success in the market. According to Blanchard and Cathy (2002), organizations depend on leadership to define the path that should be taken in order to reach a specific destination. Successful companies in the world attribute their achievements to effective leadership.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership Influence on Market Performance of Companies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Virgin Group, Apple, and Microsoft are some of the largest and most successful companies in the world. The success story of these companies cannot be told without the mention of the pivotal roles played by their leaders. The Virgin Group owes its success to the effective leadership of Sir Richard Branson. No one can talk about the massive success that Apple Inc has achieved without mentioning the name of Steve Jobs. Microsoft Corporation a nd Bill Gates are names which are inseparable. These leaders were able to understand the needs of the employees, the changes taking place in the market, and the technological dynamics. In Australia, there are a number of companies that have experienced massive success due to effective leadership. Aussie Commerce Group, Schnitz, Drilltechniques, and Fossil Energy Services Pty Ltd are some of the companies that have experienced massive success in the past. These companies have been in existence for only half a century, but because of effective leadership, they have experienced massive growth of their market share within the country. This research focuses on the extent to which leadership influences the market performance of companies. Effective Business Leadership According to the research by Ferch and Spears (2011), effective business leadership is one of the most important ingredients that are needed to succeed in the current competitive market. The level of competition has become s o stiff that many organizations are now forced to find a way of developing superior strategies to protect their market share. Many scholars say that the success of a firm heavily relies on the effective company leadership. Company leadership goes beyond developing policies and forcing the stakeholders to apply them as per the wishes of the leader. It also surpasses providing the needed resources to undertake specific activities. Leadership is about managing people within an organisation.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Employees form a very important part of an organisation. The effort they put in what they do, and the desire they have to see the firm successful defines the ability of an organisation to achieve its objectives (Annabelle, 2006). A leader is expected to create and then share the ambitious visions with the employees and all other stakeholders so that they are convinced that the future is bright. Transformational leadership is one of the recent leadership models that have been considered effective in managing stakeholders who have varying interest. For instance, while the shareholders will demand for increased interests, the employees may desire increased wages. These interests may affect the financial position of an organisation if they are not managed properly. A leader must find a way of convincing the stakeholders to take a common path that would benefit everyone in the long run. Miller (2012) says that an effective leader must learn to treat the stakeholders, especially the employees, as individuals other than groups. Giving stakeholders a personalized approach not only creates a close bond between the stakeholders and the management, but it also enables the management understand the diversity that exists in a firm and how it can be managed. Northouse (2010) says that irrelevant company leadership is the reason why some firm s have failed to achieve success. Leadership may be considered irrelevant if the leader does not understand the industry within which his or her company is operating. For example, it may be difficult for a plumber to offer relevant leadership to a firm operating in the health sector. Employees look upon the leader to offer directions when handling some of the complex tasks. When the leader has no knowledge on the basic concepts as to what should be done, then his or her authority as a leader will be lost. The employees will lose trust in him or her, and when this happens, they will have no hope for a better future in the firm. This is what Adetule (2011) describes as underwhelming leadership. It is a case where the leader is not in a position to offer the employees guidance based on the expert knowledge. In fact, it may take a long time, probably constant complaints from the customers, for such a leader to realize that there is a problem that needs to be addressed within the organis ation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership Influence on Market Performance of Companies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Relationship between Leadership and Company Performances Leadership and employee management The main role of a leader is to manage the employees and ensure that they remain motivated and committed to their duties. According to Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy (2012), some of the newly emerging firms in Australia have been very successful because they have leaders who know how to manage their employees in various contexts. This means that the success that Aussie Commerce Group, Schnitz, Drilltechniques, and Fossil Energy Services Pty Ltd have experienced in the Australian market is largely associated with the effective employee management. There are various aspects of employee management that a leader should be aware of in order to achieve success in the market. Managing communication is one of th e most important tasks of leaders in the normal running of an organization. In order to manage a group of people, one would need to have a system that allows free communication between various entities in an organization (Sipe Frick, 2009). The leader must be informed about the successes and various challenges the firm is experiencing in the market by the marketing unit. He or she will also need to be informed about the financial position of the firm by the finance department. The human resource management unit must always update the leader about the quality of the current personnel, their ability to meet the expectations of the firm, and any need to expand or reduce the size of the workforce (Aquinas, 2006). The leader needs relevant information from the logistics unit, the insurance department, and other departments about various issues that affect the firm directly or indirectly. It is, therefore, vital to have a proper communication system that will make it possible for the lea der to get these pieces of information from all the responsible individuals. When the decision has been made, the manager will need a system that will make the information reach all the relevant stakeholders so that it can be implemented (Bass, 2005). The communication system must facilitate close relationship between the junior employees and the top management of a firm. These are some of the strategies that have been perfected by the successful firms mentioned above. Other than effective communication, a leader needs to formulate an effective employee relation system. According to Kouzes and Posner (2012), no organisation can achieve success without a team of dedicated staff. Employees are the wheels upon which an organization runs towards achieving its set objectives.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When the leader has formulated strategic policies, it is the workers who will be expected to put the policies into practice. However, it is vital to note that the workforce can only be productive if they feel that the leader cares for their interests. Employee relation management is an essential aspect of leadership that defines the ability of a firm to achieve success. It enables the leader to maintain a pool of loyal employees (Bell, 2005). It also helps the leader to develop a close bond and trust with the employees in an organization. This creates an environment where the employees are always willing to follow the guidelines given by the leader. They will always be willing to make an extra effort in order to please the leader. According to Matha and Boehm (2008), teamwork is important in the current society where close coordination of employees is a powerful weapon in managing the market wars. Recent researches have confirmed that when employees are allowed to work as a team, th ey easily learn from their colleagues and this enhances their skills. In such teams, spreading of new information in a practical way is possible, reducing the need to conduct regular on-job trainings. Team building strategies are very important to a leader in a number of ways (Polelle, 2008). In cases where there are effective strategies to make employees work as a team, the cost of their supervision is always reduced because the employees will be monitoring themselves as they struggle to complete the duties assigned to them. Teamwork also promotes motivation among the employees, the fact that promotes their productivity. Leadership and innovation According to Schuttler and Burdick (2010), the current dynamic market environment requires firms to embrace creativity and innovation as a way of gaining the competitive edge over the competitors. A firm must continually seek to find new ways of addressing different tasks in convenient ways and at reduced costs. Leadership plays an importa nt role in promoting creativity and innovation within a given organisation. Creativity among the employees can only be exploited if the leader creates an enabling environment. Employees who are always involved in handling various tasks are in a better position of coming up with suggestions about how their tasks can be done differently in order to yield better results, reduce the resources used, and to cut down time needed for the processes. Transformational leadership has been considered as an effective way of evoking skills and knowledge of employees to deliver better results (Clawson, 2011). A leader needs to positively challenge the employees to come up with creative ideas that can make the firm more successful. This is one of the areas that have made Aussie Commerce Group very successful in the market. With about 150 employees, this firm has been keen on delivering new and better products to its customers on a regular basis in order to maintain their loyalty to this firm. The to p leadership of the firm has given the employees power to come up with creative ideas of meeting the customers’ needs, cutting of costs of operation, or reducing time that it takes to deliver products to the customers. Any idea that goes through the evaluation process successfully and is finally adopted earns the innovator financial and social benefits within the firm (Kouzes Posner, 2003). This has created a positive competition within the firm where employees are always making efforts to ensure that they invent better ways of delivering high value to the firm. This explains why this firm has achieved massive success in its market performance over the recent past. Leadership and financial planning In order to achieve success, organizations need to have proper financial planning system that will help in meeting the needs using the limited resources available. As a leader, it is important to know how to prioritize the needs of a firm. The leader must know the needs that are u rgent, those that cannot be ignored, and those which may have a massive impact on the overall performance of the firm. Such needs should always be prioritized (Collins, 2001). Unnecessary expenses, especially on issues that do not have direct value to the firm, should be avoided at all costs. This means that a leader should have financial literacy. This will enable him or her to make wise investment decisions that will have a positive influence on the firm. Drilltechniques is one of the emerging Australian firms that have started from humble beginnings, but because of the financial management skills of its leader, it has managed to grow into a large company with a large financial base. Leadership and external relationships Another aspect of leadership that has a direct impact on the market performance is the ability to relate well with the external stakeholders. These stakeholders include the government, the competitors, regulatory agencies, and any other body that have direct or in direct impacts on the firm. The days when market rivals viewed one another as enemies are long gone. Competitors need to work together and face the market challenges as a team as a way of creating a positive competitive environment (Flint, 2012). The leader also needs to find a working relationship with the government and other regulatory agencies in order to ensure that the operations of the firm are smooth. Leadership and ethics The leadership of any organization has ethical and social responsibilities to various stakeholders that should be properly fulfilled. It is an ethical responsibility of the management to ensure that the employees are not mistreated in any way within the organization (Gallos, 2008). The management also needs to ensure that the interests of stakeholders such as the government, shareholders, customers, and the public are taken care of as may be necessary. This will influence the market performance of the company. Conclusion It is clear from the discussion abo ve that leadership has a massive influence on the market performance of a company. A firm operates under the guidance of the leader. A leader is expected to understand the internal and external environmental factors, and find a way of making an organisation to maximize on its strength. The manner in which a leader treats the employees defines the level of output of a firm. The way the leader relates with the external stakeholders and manages the finance of the firm directly influences the company’s ability to achieve success in its market performance. References Adetule, J. (2011). Handbook on management theories. Bloomington: Author House. Annabelle, M. (2006). Notes from a Small Island: Researching Organisational Behaviour in Healthcare from a UK Perspective, Journal of Organisational Behaviour, 27(7), 851-867. Aquinas, P. (2006). Organisational behaviour: Concepts realities applications and challenges. New Delhi: Excel Books. Bass, ‎ B. (2005). Transformational Leade rship. New York: Simon Schuster. Bell, J. (2005), Doing your research project: a guide for first-time researchers in education, health and social science. Maidenhead: Open university press. Blanchard, K. H., Cathy, S. T. (2002). The generosity factor: Discover the joy of giving your time, talent, and treasure. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. Clawson, J.G. (2011). Level Three Leadership: Getting Below the Surface. New York: Prentice Hall. Collins, J. C. (2001). Level 5 leadership: The triumph of humility and fierce resolve. Boston: Harvard Business Review. Ferch, S. R., Spears, L. C. (2011). The spirit of servant-leadership. New York: Paulist Press. Flint, B. B. (2012). The journey to competitive advantage through servant leadership: Building the company every person dreams of working for and every president has a vision of leading. Bloomington, Ind: West Bow Press. Gallos, J. (2008). Business leadership: A Jossey-Bass reader. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Hughes, R. L., Ginnett, R. C., C urphy, G. J. (2012). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Kouzes J.M. Posner B.Z. (2012). The Leadership Challenge. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. Kouzes, J. M., Posner, B. Z. (2003). Encouraging the heart: A leaders guide to rewarding and recognizing others. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Matha, B., Boehm, M. (2008). Beyond the babble: Leadership communication that drives results. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Miller, K. (2012). Organizational communication: Approaches and processes. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Northouse, P. G. (2010). Leadership: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Polelle, M. (2008). Leadership: Fifty great leaders and the worlds they made. Westport: Greenwood Press. Schuttler, R., Burdick, J. (2010). Laws of communication: The intersection where leadership meets employee performance. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Sipe, J. W., Frick, D. M. (2009). Seven pillars of servant leadership: Practicing the wisdom of leading by serving. New York: Paulist Press.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Brachylogy - Short and Sweet

Brachylogy - Short and Sweet Definition Brachylogy is a  rhetorical term for a concise or condensed form of expression in speech or writing. Contrast with: battology. Also known as  breviloquence. See Examples and Observations below. Also see: AbbreviationAsyndetonBrevityConcisenessEllipsisGappingZeugma EtymologyFrom the Greek, short speech Examples and Observations Brachylogia. . . . Brevity of diction; abbreviated construction; word or words omitted. A modern theorist differentiated this use from ellipsis in that the elements missing are more subtly, less artificially, omitted in ellipsis.(Richard Lanham, A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms, 2nd ed. University of California Press, 1991)My very photogenic mother died in a freak accident (picnic, lightning) when I was three, and, save for a pocket of warmth in the darkest past, nothing of her subsists within the hollows and dells of memory . . ..(Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita, 1955)Brachylogia is not always a vice. Sometimes its obscurity is the price paid for convenient brevity, or signals euphemism or irony. Ex: coffee-break (a break in which to have coffee); a social disease (one contracted through close [social] contact). Brachylogia is of great help to the novelist in avoiding repetition of the declarative verbs (to say, etc.).(Bernard Marie Dupriez, A Dictionary of Literary Devices. Univ. of Toronto Press, 1991) brachylogia (brachiologia; brachylogy; brachiology) Concision of speech or writing; thus also any condensed form of expression, as for example when Antony in Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra tells a messenger Grates me; the sum, meaning This is annoying me; get to the point of what you have to say. The term is most often applied to expressions involving the omission of conjunctions, as in the figure known as asyndeton.(Chris Baldick, The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford Univ. Press, 2008) Pronunciation: brak-i-LOH-ja, bre-KIL-ed-zhee Alternate Spellings: brachylogia

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Personal Statement for law school, Why do you want to go to law school Essay

Personal Statement for law school, Why do you want to go to law school - Essay Example After I saved enough money I went back to India on vacation to visit my father and family. When I was back in my home nation as an adult I saw things very differently that was a kid. Everything had changed for the worst. There was a horrible distribution between classes divided by small elite class and the rest of us who were stuck in deep poverty. Governmental corruption was latent and it seemed nobody in the system care about nothing but themselves. Serving the people was not a priority of the public servants. Restaurants would throw away food that could have given at the end of the night to the poor; the Indian society was in chaos in need of direction, order and justice. I reflected a lot during my stay in India and came back to the United States a new person. I was inspired to become a solution maker that brought change. I knew I had to continue my formal education at the undergraduate level to then move on to law school. As a lawyer I could gained the knowledge to be able chang e the public system. I want to fight injustices anywhere they manifest themselves. The trip to India changed my perspective of life. I realized I had taken for granted the liberties and opportunities people in the United States enjoy. This society built its democratic system based on set of laws and principles written in the constitution. Lawyers are important members of a society that protect the rights of the regular citizen. They law plays an instrumental role in the lives of everyone because it brings stability to a region. I had not noticed this before because I was unaware of the injustices that occur in many developing countries around the world. In order to prepare myself for a future as a lawyer I choose to study business administration with majors in accounting and finance at Hofstra University. Business school is a great way for a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sexual Orientation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sexual Orientation - Essay Example They believe that it is imperative that the controversial issues be handled head on so that everyone concerned is able to live with relative harmony. Sexual preferences have become major issues which promote widespread inequality, thereby, necessitating an urgent need to address this in the wider interest of the society. The essay would be critically assessing the three articles on these issues taken from the book "The meaning of difference: American constructions of race, sex and gender, social class, and sexual orientation" by Karen E. Rosenblum and Toni-Michelle C. Travis. ‘The naming of sexual attraction’, an article by Michael R. Kauth, explores the sexual orientation of the people through the ages and its evolution, both in terms of acknowledgement and acceptance by the society. Kauth has maintained that sexual attraction had always been a sensitive issue that was intrinsically bound within the religious and cultural paradigms of the society. The language and the words play crucial role in defining the overall meaning to sexual orientation or behaviour. According to the article, in the 19th century, the term homosexuality was ‘adopted by psychiatrists and medical practitioners to identify a type of psychopathology and, consequently, this term implies sickness, aberrance and immaturity’ (Kauth1). Apart from the medical professionals, the powerful groups of people, who have considerable influence on the public, are the main decisive powers that define and confine the role of ‘sexual attraction’. Hence, it is for this reason that social paradigms and social values often reflect the views and ideologies of the few prominent people in power, which are carried forward through the times. In the ancient time, ‘gay’ was used to describe gaiety and happiness by the roman soldiers. Before the 19th century, sexuality or sexual preference

Ethics in Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Ethics in Financial Markets - Essay Example Futures have a tendency to goad traders to borrow money so as to purchase the commodity making the deal to go sour should the price of the commodity dip, hence has a major impact on the   stocks and the overall economy as a whole. Another form of the financial market is the Hedge fund.   Hedge funds have over the years become popular due to the high returns it offers to the high end investor.   Hedge funds do invest heavily in the futures and some analysts have argued that they help check the volatility of the stock market and in extension the US economy. Hedge funds though are being blamed for the 2009 recession. Financial markets therefore do involve the financial institutions that are the banks, insurance companies, stock brokers and other closely related institutions.  Ethics is perceived as a set of societal standards of conduct and moral judgment that encompasses the norms of a given community. Ethics are a personal set of values used by an individual, a group or a prof ession;  Ã‚   so as to guide them in their action and help them fulfill or carry out their obligation. Its subjective rather that objective and its relative to our perception of reality   dependent on circumstances and life   experiences of the individual or group, thus making it a continuously evolving   code of conduct. It addresses issues pertaining to morality, i.e. good and bad; right or wrong etc.   Capitalism has been accused to be Darwinian in nature due to the market volatility that is brought by competition and the natural forces of demand and supply.  ... Its subjective rather that objective and its relative to our perception of reality dependent on circumstances and life experiences of the individual or group, thus making it a continuously evolving code of conduct. It addresses issues pertaining to morality, i.e. good and bad; right or wrong etc. BODY Financial markets ride on the premise of free market where the market is left to regulate and correct itself based on the principle of demand and supply enhanced through competition. The cost of the goods and services plus the overall state of the market is determined through the action of consumers and suppliers. Capitalism has been accused to be Darwinian in nature due to the market volatility that is brought by competition and the natural forces of demand and supply. Companies that are fit do survive while those that are unfit collapse especially during a recession. During recession bad debts is wiped out of the market leaving those who remain the task of rebuilding the market making the process to be cyclic and this is how market correction occurs. Competitive markets has made companies to do everything in their power so as to maximize profits by engaging in monopolistic practices, offering minimum wages and commercialization of everything making capitalism to be amoral as it pri zes the self above others and the natural checks and balance that capitalist have been advocating for in most cases than not has always not emerged. Capitalism is generally volatile thus fails from time to time and the correction mechanism has proven to be wanting during financial crisis prompting governments to artificial correct the markets.This counters the notion of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Flexibility and the Contract of Employment Essay

Flexibility and the Contract of Employment - Essay Example 74). Most of the institution traditionally hire workers and require them to perform their duties during fixed time which are normally eight continuous working hours a day and in a specific places. In the modern society most of the employees and employers are shifting away from this tradition and are focusing on a variable working agreements to enable workers perform their duties according to their wishes. This has enabled workers to have time with their families and also be able to utilize their working time effectively since they only work when they are ready to work (Berndt & Hartmut 2005, p.191). This has result to gains from both parties in terms of productivity and convenience of discharge of the obligations. 1. Different Recruitment Techniques Every organization aims at acquiring the most efficient and effective workforce who are capable of improving organization’s performance and make it competent (Berndt & Hartmut 2005, p.198). Though there are many qualified job seeke rs who are ready and willing to work for such organizations, sometimes it is not easy for organizations to hire the most qualified workforce as they would wish (Lipsey & Mucchielli 2002, P.76). The approach taken by the human resource managers during recruitment and hiring of workers will determine the quality of their workforce hence the overall performance of the organization. Approaches for recruiting qualified workers Through recruiting agencies: there are numerous agencies who hire workers on behalf of the organizations (Lipsey & Mucchielli 2002, P.83). Those agencies are ran by qualified hiring personnel who have potential to establish what the organization requires in terms of manpower and look for job applicants with those particular requirements. The advantage of using agency is that agencies normally have time to scrutinize the potential workers unlike organizations which may rely on experience of busy managers with limited resources for recruiting workers. Also, agencies rarely engage in canvassing with job applicants hence there is possibility for getting the best candidates (Berndt & Hartmut 2005, p. 202). Agencies also maintain records of all job applicants hence they can easily trace the most qualified workers whenever they are required to do so hence providing a quick solution to the organizations’ needs of personnel. Also some trade associations encourage their member organizations to advertise their jobs through their websites. Therefore, job seekers can easily access the vacancies in various organizations and apply for them hence giving organizations an opportunity to select the best candidates from the list of applicants (Berndt & Hartmut 2005, p.217). The advantage of this approach is that it offers cheap method for the organization to acquire workforce since most of those association do not charge their members anything. Internal recruitment where organization selects existing workers to fill higher positions left vacant in the org anization (Lipsey & Mucchielli 2002, P.90). This approach is efficient because it enables organization to maintain its loyal workers. This instils trust and loyalty among workers because they have confidence that once chance occurs within the organization the existing employees have equal opportunity of being upgraded. This method further enables organization to save its expense they would otherwise incur in hiring workers from outside the organization. Another approach is use of eternal recruitment of employees approach to acquire workers for their organizations. This approach involves inviting job applicants from outside the

Close Analysis of Citizen Kane Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Close Analysis of Citizen Kane - Assignment Example Strong backlighting is applied in making the characters appear anonymous to the viewers; for example, when Kane is told that Mariah has been packing the entire morning. Smoke was filled in a room to illustrate the light beams that emanate from the projectors and the lamps. Cinematography utilizes great composition. This is effectively through mirror reflection. The reflection shows, analysis of the life of the characters, and also illustrating adequately composed image. The mirror enables the camera to illustrate several reflections of the characters. The inventive application of lighting and shadow in the film shows a genre that has dark and moody environment to illustrate mysterious and violent scenes. Like the scene where Kane tries in vain to convince Susan to stay. Classical Hollywood narrative is a concept applied in film history. The narrative illustrates both visual and sound techniques for developing motion pictures and production techniques in the American film sector, during the period â€Å"golden age of Hollywood.† Citizen Kane is classic film; this is because it was produced during the â€Å"golden age of Hollywood.† Classical film style applies the continuity editing principle. This is because the sound recording and the camera do not concentrate on themselves. In Citizen Kane, the cameras also focus on the background, like the several statues at the beginning of the clip. The classical narration has psychological motivation. This illustrates the human character will, towards a given goal. Kane illustrates the great desire to convince Susan not to leave. But, Susan has made up her mind to leave, despite the pleas of Kane. Classical Hollywood narrations have continuous time flow. The flow is only interrupted during flashback. Flashback is applied in Citizen Kane to show the memory sequence. Classical Hollywood overcomes the two

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Flexibility and the Contract of Employment Essay

Flexibility and the Contract of Employment - Essay Example 74). Most of the institution traditionally hire workers and require them to perform their duties during fixed time which are normally eight continuous working hours a day and in a specific places. In the modern society most of the employees and employers are shifting away from this tradition and are focusing on a variable working agreements to enable workers perform their duties according to their wishes. This has enabled workers to have time with their families and also be able to utilize their working time effectively since they only work when they are ready to work (Berndt & Hartmut 2005, p.191). This has result to gains from both parties in terms of productivity and convenience of discharge of the obligations. 1. Different Recruitment Techniques Every organization aims at acquiring the most efficient and effective workforce who are capable of improving organization’s performance and make it competent (Berndt & Hartmut 2005, p.198). Though there are many qualified job seeke rs who are ready and willing to work for such organizations, sometimes it is not easy for organizations to hire the most qualified workforce as they would wish (Lipsey & Mucchielli 2002, P.76). The approach taken by the human resource managers during recruitment and hiring of workers will determine the quality of their workforce hence the overall performance of the organization. Approaches for recruiting qualified workers Through recruiting agencies: there are numerous agencies who hire workers on behalf of the organizations (Lipsey & Mucchielli 2002, P.83). Those agencies are ran by qualified hiring personnel who have potential to establish what the organization requires in terms of manpower and look for job applicants with those particular requirements. The advantage of using agency is that agencies normally have time to scrutinize the potential workers unlike organizations which may rely on experience of busy managers with limited resources for recruiting workers. Also, agencies rarely engage in canvassing with job applicants hence there is possibility for getting the best candidates (Berndt & Hartmut 2005, p. 202). Agencies also maintain records of all job applicants hence they can easily trace the most qualified workers whenever they are required to do so hence providing a quick solution to the organizations’ needs of personnel. Also some trade associations encourage their member organizations to advertise their jobs through their websites. Therefore, job seekers can easily access the vacancies in various organizations and apply for them hence giving organizations an opportunity to select the best candidates from the list of applicants (Berndt & Hartmut 2005, p.217). The advantage of this approach is that it offers cheap method for the organization to acquire workforce since most of those association do not charge their members anything. Internal recruitment where organization selects existing workers to fill higher positions left vacant in the org anization (Lipsey & Mucchielli 2002, P.90). This approach is efficient because it enables organization to maintain its loyal workers. This instils trust and loyalty among workers because they have confidence that once chance occurs within the organization the existing employees have equal opportunity of being upgraded. This method further enables organization to save its expense they would otherwise incur in hiring workers from outside the organization. Another approach is use of eternal recruitment of employees approach to acquire workers for their organizations. This approach involves inviting job applicants from outside the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Impact of Oil and Gas Production in the Developing Countries Essay

The Impact of Oil and Gas Production in the Developing Countries - Essay Example This essay stresses that the implementation plan requires many resources that call for total devotion to the work. The company has plans to utilize the least amount of money possible to facilitate the implementation of its plans. The company also requires utilizing the improved technology to enhance its exploration and production operations within Algeria. The availability of the regulations of Health, Safety and Environment protect the investors from Sanawa and therefore facilitates its operations in the petroleum sectors. The company will only intensify to the offshore drilling with respect to the agreements with the ministry. This gives a challenge to the implementation of the company’s strategy since the offshore drill is extra costly that the onshore drilling. In order to overcome this challenge, the company will revisit its accounts and its productivity in all branches from other countries. In doing that, the company will secure enough funds that would cater for the impl ementation plans. This paper makes a conclusion that the development of an oil plant in Algeria by the Sanawa Company will have many positive impacts to the Algerians. The implemented strategy will cause sustainability and development of community projects that will be facilitated through oil and gas products. The company is looking forward to building an alliance with Algeria as well as within the community of nations. Summing up all these significant of these projects initiated by Sanawa, the project will post the productivity and economy of Algeria.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Genetically modified foods Essay Example for Free

Genetically modified foods Essay What are bioengineered foods? Bioengineered foods are plants created for human and animal consumption using the latest molecular biology techniques. Bioengineered foods have been enhanced in a laboratory to desire traits like, resistance to herbicides and improved nutrition. By bioengineering foods you can create plants with the desired trait very rapidly. The advantages of bioengineered foods is that they are pest resistances, disease resistance, able to with stand cold weather, drought tolerance, and nutrition. Farmers lose crops every year due to insects, farmers use pesticide to kill these bugs and to keep them from eating the crops. Bioengineered foods help to reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides. Scientist are working on a gene strain to inject into the crops to help them withstand diseases that can harm the crop and make it uneatable for the consumer. A gene from cold water fish has been injected into sensitive plants like potatoes and tobacco to withstand the cold weather. The drought tolerance gene will help farmers to grow crops in soil that crops would not be able to grow in. The nutrition gene is ejected into the plants or crops to enhance nutritional value. Some examples of bioengineered foods are tomatoes, potatoes, squash, corn, and soybens. All these foods have been genetically altered in some way. The reason for these foods to be genetically altered is to make them taste better, and to have more nutritional value. Scientists have created many bioengineered foods and are working on many more foods. The pros of bioengineered foods seem to back up the good in creating bioengineered foods. The first pro is eliminating the foods ability to cause an allergic reaction. Which allows people who would have an allergic reaction by eating these certain foods to not have one. Another pro in creating bioengineered foods is that the plants grow faster than growing them in a traditional way. Also bioengineered foods cost less to produce than non bioengineered foods, this is because people do not have to spray the plant with chemicals to protect it. The cons of bioengineered foods should make people think about ingesting them. The most dangerous issue of ingesting bioengineered foods is that the food can have a harmful effect on the human body. According to some experts people ingesting bioengineered foods have a high risk of developing cancer. There is not much known about the long term effects on people and health risks are unknown. Also pollen from the fields of bioengineered food can spread to fields that do not contain bioengineered foods and contaminate the non bioengineered foods. In conclusion bioengineered foods are beneficial in most ways for human consumption. Bioengineered foods are beneficial in ways like more nutrients, food grows faster and food taste better. Also you do not have to spray these crops with pesticides because they are pest resistance. bioengineered foods are bad for human consumption in ways like causing cancer, and not knowing the long term effects on the human body. All and all its is up to the consumer, whether or not to purchase and consume bioengineered foods.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Types Of Bluetooth Hacking Computer Science Essay

Types Of Bluetooth Hacking Computer Science Essay Bluetooth is a wireless technology which is used to exchange information over short range of distances by making use of short-wavelength radio transmissions. This technology is used in mobile as well as fixed devices. It enables the connection of several devices at the same time. Given that the Bluetooth has been used for a long time, there exist several flaws in the system. These flaws have been subject to different types of attacks over time, vulnerable to hacking. which makes the technology very Types of Bluetooth hacking: Bluejacking The first most popular attack on Bluetooth enables devices is Bluejacking. This type of attack enables unknown people to send unwanted messages or electronic business cards to Bluetooth enabled mobile phones. The attackers modify the procedure for card passing so as to make the message to be sent to appear as a business card and then send the business card to a nearby mobile phone which is Bluetooth enabled. Bluejacking tools are very easy to use and these messages can be shooted in crowdy places for examples in shopping malls. Some people even use the bluejacking technique to send commercial advertisement messages to people passing nearby. Bluesnarfing The Bluesnarfing attack is much more damaging to the bluejacking technique as it enables you to wirelessly connect to to Bluetooth enables mobile phones without any knowledge from the owner and copy their the mobile phones address book, their sms messages, their call logs and some more advanced features enable you to to update the directory of the mobile by adding new contacts in the mobile phones. Most bluesnarfing tools are downloaded as JAR files. The Bluesanrfing technique works like the Bluejacking technique by making use of the exchange of business cards. This exchange is done using the OBEX protocol and enables the Bluetooth machine to connect to the device which needs to be compromised but instead of exchanging a business card, it request for information (the phonebook file, the call logs etc) from the target. Bluebugging The Bluebugging attack is more powerful than the bluejacking and bluesnarfing attacks. It allows the attacker to take complete control of your mobile phone without the user knowing anything about it. They can make phone calls, listen to conversations where the phone is located. Bluesanrfing capabilities also exist in bluebugging tools like copying the phone book and the the phones call list. What factors make the Bluetooth technology vulnerable? Previous Bluetooth enabled devices contined many flaws. Users use pins which are short in length and easy to find out. Users accepting pairing blindly from unknows sources. Motivated hackers who want to gain valuable information. People leaving their Bluetooth permanently on. How to Bluejack 1. Find a busy place where lots of mobile phones might be, such as shopping centres, trains, bars or cinemas 2. Create a new entry in your phones address book like Hi youve been bluejacked. Attach a picture if you want to. 3. Search the area for other Bluetooth phones to contact and choose one. 4. Send your message. They then receive the message, Hi youve been bluejacked. 5. Keep a look out for when your victim gets the message and the puzzled look on their face. Comparison between Bluetooth Hacking Tools: Tool Source File Availability Complexity/Ease of Use Features Purpose Types of attack Constraint Super Bluetooth Hack 1.6 Jar File Free Medium Find Bluetooth enabled devices. Copy Phone Book, Copy SMS messages. Copy Logs (Dialled, Received calls). Make calls . Retrieve Mobile Information. For Hacking Bluesnarfing Pairing Required Blooover Jar File Free Easy Scan for Bluetooth enabled devices. Access logs. For proof of concept, educational, audit and testing purposes only. Bluejacking Pairing Required Works only on old version of mobile phones Blueshoot Jar file Free Easy Scan for Bluetooth enabled devices. Shoot messages. For marketing/commercial puposes Bluejacking Pairing Required Magic Blue Hack Jar File Free Medium Scan for Bluetooth enabled devices. Send Messages Read Phone Book. For Hacking Bluesnarfing Pairing Required INSERT INFO FOR TOOL ON LINUX COMPLEX For Hacking Bluesnarfing Security Tips to prevent attacks on mobile phones: Enable Passcode Lock on Your phone The most basic precaution you can take is to enable passcode lock and set it to automatically engage after a brief period of inactivity. By default, a passcode is not required to unlock the phone. Most people would put off this security measure for ease of use and convenience. However, the truth is that once you have it enabled, it becomes second nature and you would not notice any difference. It is recommended that you set a strong passcode. In the event of a physical theft, this will increase the effort required to compromise your phone. Disable Features That Could Be Accessed Without Entering the Passcode This would prevent the use of applications from your phone without your knowledge. Disable geotagging on the phone. This will prevent attackers find out where you are located. Erase All the Data Before Return, Repair, or Resale of Your phone. Erase all confidential information so that attackers cannt retrieve your personal information. Regularly Update the phones Firmware or Operating system. This will nebale you to get the latest security features for your mobile phones. Disable Bluetooth When Not in Use Disabling Bluetooth when not in use will prevent attackers from getting access to you phone when not in use.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Elements of Fantasy and Horror Essay -- Literary Analysis, This Wa

The elements of fantasy and horror blend together perfectly to create an unforgettable series of events. An example of dark fantasy is Something Wicked This Way Comes, the novel by Ray Bradbury that tells the story of two young boys, Jim and Will, who discover the secret of a mysterious traveling carnival. The magical carnival has many temptations, including a frightening mirror maze and a carousel that changes one’s age. However, its allure only causes one to fall into the clutches of the ringmaster, Mr. Dark, an illustrated man who tattoos each person bound to the carnival in servitude onto his skin. Along with Will’s father Charles, the boys set out to investigate and destroy the soul-sucking attraction. They eventually defeat the carnival through love and happiness; during this time, Charles also comes to the extraordinary realization to not take life too seriously. Ray Bradbury’s symbols in the novel Something Wicked This Way Comes define and emphasize the t heme life endures through constant struggle between good and evil. Jim and Will, Charles, and the carnival attractions demonstrate the theme in Bradbury’s novel and bring it to life. The literary elements Ray Bradbury incorporates in Something Wicked This Way Comes plays an essential role in shaping the main idea of the novel. Jim and Will represent symbols that greatly help unravel the theme in Something Wicked This Way Comes. In the first place, they illustrate symbols of good and evil, with Jim as the darker of the two and Will as the lighter. Charles can see that this appears obvious, and he points it out to the kids. He states, â€Å"[Jim] wears the black ten-gallon hats and reads books to fit. Middle name’s Moriarty, right, Jim? Any day now he’ll move up from Fu Manchu ... ...ruggles and will continue to do so as long as life itself continues. The carnival attractions serve as excellent symbols in proving the theme. The use of symbols in Something Wicked This Way Comes renders the theme that life bears through unvarying battle between good and evil more apparent. To begin with, Will and Jim represent good and evil, respectively, and struggle constantly between themselves throughout the course of the novel. Subsequently, Charles also symbolizes good and battles with many types of evil in the book, including Mr. Dark and the Dust Witch. In conclusion, the carnival attractions include forms of fear and temptation that fight against the main characters as the plot progresses. Something Wicked This Way Comes combines dark nights, folk-tale characters, and magical elements to relate supernatural and sinister matters to everyday life.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Web Marketing for CVS Drugstore

The web marketing would be the best option for CVS as it is one of the most effective and cost effective online marketing strategy (Businesswire. com, 2006). The following online marketing strategies can be used in the process to attract volume and quality to the online drug store of CVS. CVS is apt at handling the online drugstore with efficient marketing techniques related to information recognition and spread. Click and Mortar delivery options: The marketing strategy at this point is to introduce several customer support options to address the customers issues related to timely delivery of the drugs.Other marketing strategy like online order tracking and easy payment methods would also serve a great strategy. Online order tracking mechanism would be quite helpful to any customer to know the status of the order and accordingly take action. This would also boost their confidence in handling their order. Flexible payment methods would encourage more customers to engage in the online operations. The marketing strategy at this point would be to incorporate several marketing techniques for widespread use. Online merchandising marketing strategy:The various analysis of the products and their category is essential to CVS as they would track at any point of time the various products that are selling presently and focus on the ones who needs a market yet. The marketing aspects at this stage would be to do some online marketing for the company in regard to various products which needs a push. The performance reasons for doing so would foster better sales of the products. Online banners specifically targeting some of the products would be circulated in the online trade centers, retail chains, other stores and so on.The primary activity in marketing at this point is to understand the customer’s needs and thus the analysis of products sale is essential element to this. Knowing the customer well The knowledge of the customers for the prospective CVS products and ser vices were not analyzed correctly. It did not mature from the customer analysis and all efforts to fetch the right customer for the product were not arrived at. This point needs to be stressed severely for personalization benefits. Lack of technological understanding:The large spending of CVS towards making it a successfully integrated online drugs company by marketing it along ISP, mobile and broadband production business would result into large scale analysis and sale of the various marketing preferences enforced in practice. The media propagation and involvement of mobile technology would result in wide spread of the knowledge of CVS products and services. Evaluation of technology The 21st century marketing techniques would involve fetching the internet users an e-marketing solution which would involve promotion of various initiatives at a place which is largely accessible.Some technological aspects which can be considered are web 2. 0 techniques to penetrate into aspects where p eople meet at an internet social place. Podcasts With the incoming of iPods, this tool can be widely used for allowing product marketing. It originally called audio Blogs. The audio recordings in MP3 format. It can be played on desktop computer or other MP3 devices (most famous is Apple’s iPod MP3 player). CVS can use it to its advantage to announce its products. The podcasting is quite an effective way as this technology is largely spreading all over the globe for widespread communications.RSS feeds Timely delivery of message is very crucial for determining the right use of it. CVS can use it to its advantage in entailing a better perspective towards information use and retrieval. The user subscribes to â€Å"RSS feeds† from CVS website. The user then installs software called an â€Å"aggregator† or â€Å"feed reader† onto their computer. The software periodically checks for updates in RSS feeds from different subscribed to websites and updates user with info from the feed. One issue is that there are different RSS formats, and thus compatibility issues.The marketing techniques which can be used for CVS can be expressed using the following rules of information and technology literacy: 1. The ability to recognize a need for information 2. The ability to distinguish ways in which the information ‘gap’ may be addressed 3. The ability to construct strategies for locating information 4. The ability to locate and access information 5. The ability to compare and evaluate information obtained from different sources 6. The ability to organize, apply and communicate information to others in ways appropriateThe basic use of technology would be to ascertain its effective use in business marketing and sales. The primary idea is to establish the various needs and ensure better framework of the idea. The web 2. 0 technology would ensure numerous impacts towards various business objectives (Berners, 2001). The specific E-marketing asp ects would not only revolutionize the online presence but also ensure greater confidence among the stakeholders. The following can be enforced for the CVS drugstore: †¢ Incorporation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies – This can be well felt as search engines are optimized for the various tags.The SEO factors ensure better search results for all its services. The distinguishing point is that it is optimized for performance in Europe region more than all over the world due to the performance statistics (Strauss, 2005). †¢ Personalization of content: The extensive use of web 2. 0 strategies needs to be exploited at CVS to a large extent. The users would be able to organize information in accordance to their choices like mobile streaming and alert system The incorporation of online video streaming for various products and purchase over the internet would facilitate better use. References/Bibliography Andrews, Todd (2007).Breakthrough in Home Video: CVS/phar macy Introduces World's First Digital One-Time-Use Video Camcorder. Retrieved 2, April 2009 from http://www. prnewswire. com/cgi-bin/stories. pl? ACCT=109&STORY=/www/story/06-06-2005/0003818095&EDATE. Berners, T. Lee (2001). Weaving the Web. Orion Business Books. HarperCollins, New York. Businesswire. com (2006). CVS/pharmacy and Photo Channel Launch New Online Photo Service. Retrieved 2, April 2009 from http://www. allbusiness. com/retail/retailers-nonstore-retailers-mail-order-internet/5447368-1. html Strauss, Judy and Frost, Raymond (2005). â€Å"E-Marketing†, 4th Ed, Pearson Prentice Hall.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Essay

The experiment focuses on finding out what kind of activating effects that four different substituents will have on an aromatic benzene ring. The substituents being tested are aniline, anisole, acetamide (acetanilide), and phenol. All four of these groups are either para or ortho activating. Bromination is the reaction that will be carried out. The melting point ranges of the final products will be taken in order to determine their identities and reactivity. It is predicted that substitution order from most to least reactive should be aniline, phenol, anisole, and acetamide. Theory: Regioselectivity and the rate of electrophilic aromatic substitution are affected by the substituents attached to the original benzene. In electrophilic aromatic substitution, (EAS for short), the rate determining step is the first step of the reaction. This experiment deals with activating substituents that increase the rate of reaction. In the first rate determining step, the electron density rich pi bonds of benzene react with the electrophile (Bromine) to form a resonance stabilized carbocation. This step is the most important factor that decides which substituents make benzene react faster. This is because the rate of the reaction can be determined through the stability of the carbocation transition state hybrid, which is also known as resonance effect and the Hammond Postulate. In other words, if a carbocation intermediate is more stable, there is less energy needed in the transition state to form the carbocation. Less energy needed translates to a faster reaction. All in all, substituents that increase the electron density on the ring contribute by making the benzene ring more nucleophilic through increased electron density. The increased electron density around the ring would help to stabilize the positively charged carbocation intermediate. This means that this intermediate is more likely to form. Electron donating substituents would activate the ring towards EAS, which means the overall rate would be faster compared to benzene. The aniline group forms the most stable carbocation because it has the same resonance effects as the other groups but because nitrogen is less electronegative than oxygen, its inductive effects are weaker. Therefore aniline should react the fastest. Acetamide would be last in terms of  reactivity because it has the weakest resonance effects compared to inductive effects, in other words it is the weakest electron donating group. The order of reactivity from strongest activator to least should be aniline, phenol, anisole, and acetamide. It is also predicted that all of the groups should react towards a polyhalogenated product except for acetamide. Specifically, they should all be tri-substituted except for acetamide. Steric hindrance also plays a factor in preventing Br from being added to the ortho positions, so it should be expected that the acetamide product should only have a substituent added to the para position. Results: Compound/Group Melting Point Range (⠁ °C) Product acetamide (Johnson/Leo) 164.2-168.8 4-bromoacetamide aniline (Iris/Jenelle) 120-130.4 2,4,6-tribromoaniline phenol (Jack/Kyle) 90-93 2,4,6-tribromophenol anisole (N/A) 40-43 and 55.3-73.7 2,4-dibromoanisole Anisole product did not recrystallize so data is taken from another lab’s. Crude mass product of acetamide: 0.235g Recrystallized product mass of acetamide: 0.087g Theoretical yield: 0.0625g Percent yield: 139% Discussion: Aniline and phenol both formed a tri-substituted product in two ortho and one para positions according to their respective melting point ranges. This  confirms expectations that these two substituents are the strongest activators. This is because the NH2 and OH groups are very electronegative and reactive which allows their carbocation resonance structures to be stabilized. Even though both aniline and phenol had the same amount of polybromination, we know that since nitrogen is less electronegative than oxygen, aniline has less inductive effects. In turn, it means that aniline would have more electron density which make makes it more reactive to electrophiles. Although the anisole did not form a product, retrieved data suggests that the product is is actually disubstituted this contradicts the prediction that it would be trisubstituted also it is not surprising because anisole has an extra carbon attached to the oxygen which could weaken resonance effects. Lastly, the melting point ranges for the acetamide product suggest that it formed 4-bromoacetamide. Based on the data gathered, the ranking in order of increasing activity would be aniline, phenol, anisole, and acetamide. This matches up with initial predictions. These results make sense because anisole and acetamide have resonance structures where the electron density is moved outside of the ring so it cannot activate the benzene ring as well as the other two. With regards to the efficiency of the reaction, three of the reactions appeared to be efficient. Aniline, phenol, and acetamide all reacted efficiently. This is observed through their products which displayed conclusive melting point ranges that confirmed their predictions. Although 10% bromine solution was used these reactions carried to completion and their yields were decent. Conclusion: Aniline and Phenol both yield trisubstituted products of 2,4,6-bromoaniline and 2,4,6-bromophenol according to the melting point ranges obtained. This supports predictions that these amine and hydroxyl groups would be the strongest activating groups of benzene. Anisole yielded a disubstituted product which suggests that it is a more moderate activator when compared to aniline and phenol. Acetamide, which has the bulkiest substituent, yield a monosubstituted product which suggests that it is the weakest activator of the four. These results match up with ranking predictions but differ with substituent predictions. It was predicted that anisole’s activating strength would be on par with that of phenol and aniline when results indicate that it is actually considerably weaker. Sources of Error: After recrystallzation and weighing out the final product identified as 4-bromoacetamide. It was observed that the actual yield was higher than the theoretical yield. This could have been due to impurities in our final product.

Globalization Source Analysis Essay

Globalization is the process by which different societies and cultures integrate through a worldwide network of political ideas through transportation, communication, and trade. Generally, globalization has affected many nations in various ways; economically, politically, and socially. It is a term that refers to the fast integration and interdependence of various nations, which shapes the world affairs on a global level. Simply put; globalization is the world coming together. In this essay I will discuss multiple perspectives on globalization through the analysis of these three sources. Source I’s perspective is the view that through globalization; many cultures are destroyed and that this diminishes society. This source outlines a disadvantage of globalization and views it as a negative force. This can be interpreted by the examining the quote given; Octavio Paz is referring to the homogenization of culture (the blending of different cultures in such a way that the end result is one mixed culture). As globalization occurs; the inevitable result is that cultures will have to compete for dominance. Many cultures will end up losing to the dominant global culture and this will lead to the extinction of some traditional ways of life. As result we are all becoming more like one another and in this way culture dies. Source II’s perspective is the view that the English language is dominating French through globalization. The source is displaying a negative consequence of globalization. This can be interpreted by examining the political cartoon literally; English is trying to crush French with a globe. As globalization occurs; dominant global languages will easily over power other minority languages. The source may feel this way because of what’s happening in modern day Canada. Despite being a bilingual country, the vast majority of Canadians speak English as their first language. This is a result of globalization, English has, for a variety of reasons become the language of business and of the internet and is therefore favoured. French language in Canada is therefore the minority and is â€Å"dominated† by English. Source III’s perspective is the view that because of globalization, specifically Americanization (to absorb or assimilate into American  culture), transnational corporations (any corporation that is registered and operates in more than one country at a time) have become a dominant part of global culture. This source describes this as a negative consequence of globalization. The heading â€Å"Problems of Globalization†, clearly shows that the source is trying to convey a negative aspect of globalization. This can be interpreted by examining the political cartoon; the family of three each talks about the different places they’ve been and yet they have all purchased merchandise from American companies. This is possible through the fact that American transnationals have spread all across the globe and have taken up monopolies (the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service) on certain industries. This source probably feels this way because of the basic principle of economies of scale (the cost advantage that arises with increased output of a product). As a transnational becomes larger it expands to different countries and the local small businesses stand no chance of competing with wealthy transnational corporations. In this way, business is crushed and transnationals become a staple of global culture. The three perspectives on globalization that I have discussed so far each have some things in common. Each source describes ways in which globalization affects the world and society. Each source also shows the negatives effects of globalization; namely the lack of diversity and culture that is a result of globalization. From each source you can see how globalization forces us to become more like one another by integrating us into a singular culture. Sources I, II and III are all great examples of how culture spreads to different parts of the world and how the world responds to that kind of cultural interchange. In this essay I discussed three different perspectives on globalization each showing a different side to how globalization affects the world. Like everything else, globalization has its advantages and disadvantages. Whether we embrace it or not, the fact is that globalization is inevitable. The world is coming together and with that we are all becoming more alike in the way that we speak, the way we dress, and our culture in general.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

AIDS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

AIDS - Essay Example According to UNAIDS estimation at present, there is an approximation of 33.4 million people across the globe living on this face of earth while suffering from AIDS and every year estimated two million people expire from AIDS and its related illnesses. UNAIDS has approximated (UNAIDS, 2008). The case is even more critical in Sub-Sahara region of Africa where every 7 out of 10 deaths take place due to AIDS. Moreover, the region has almost sixty-six percent living case of AIDS and the percentage of new AIDS infection in children is as much as ninety percent (Stine, 2009). The cause of AIDS is the HIV virus. It is the virus that slowly weakens the human immune system. HIV increasingly does damage to the immune system cells therefore, the human body gets more prone to these infections, to which it has trouble in fighting back. A person diagnosed with AIDS is usually at the very high and advanced level of HIV infection flourishing in its body. The development of HIV in a human body is a slow process and it can take even years for a person with HIV virus to become an AIDS patient (, 2009). The symptoms of AIDS are though, not as vivid and obvious as the symptoms of other diseases. The person diagnosed with aid has the obvious illnesses related to AIDS. These AIDS related symptoms or conditions include infections, cancer, or tumor. These infections are opportunistic infections because of the reason that they develop in any human body due to the weak immune system. A person can suffer from AIDS with or without these opportunistic infection, the other symptoms are the tumor or cancer in any part of the human body due to AIDS. Moreover, the diagnosis of AIDS is also positive when the total number of human immune system cells decrease to a certain point. The major channels through which the transmission of AIDS takes place are the sexual intercourse, getting exposed to the infected parts of body or fluids, and from mother to

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Buyer behaviour mkt 2240 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Buyer behaviour mkt 2240 - Essay Example "If a marketer can identify consumer buyer behaviour, he or she will be in a better position to target products and services at them. Buyer behaviour is focused upon the needs of individuals, groups and organisations." (Consumer Buyer Behaviour. 2007). Buyer behaviour is a result of the needs of the consumers. The behaviour of a buyer is his urge to satisfy his needs. The needs of a human being are classified into five by Abraham Maslow. The classification of needs by Maslow is Physiological, Security, Social, Esteem and Self Actualisation needs. According to him physiological need that is the need to satisfy his basic requirements such as food, water, cloth and shelter is the first need of a person. After that the need for safety arises and then the social, esteem and self actualisation needs arises. He says that person will show the urge for a particular need only when his lower level need is satisfied. There are also various other theories that speaks about buyer behaviour. There are many factors that constitute the behaviour of the buyers. Those factors are personality, culture, social groups, perception, attitude, social classes, reference groups etc. The needs of a person and the factors that affect the buyer behaviour are very closely related. If the marketers are really aware of what the needs of the consumers are they can launch their product in the market without any risk of slow movement of goods in the market. A careful and detailed market research will help the companies to understand the behaviour of the buyers properly. The basic motive behind all the buyer behaviour is to lead a better lifestyle. This research work looks into buyer behaviour on a different perspective. Here the interest of the persons for different modes of transport is studied in order to examine the different buyer behaviours. For this purpose of a sample of families from various background is taken to understand the factors that constitute various behaviours. The behaviour of the family is analysed on the basis of ego, attitude, reference groups, personality, attitudes, social classes and personality. Mode of transport is a good means to study how the behaviour of various persons changes at different situations. The choice of the mode of transport generally changes on the basis of the financial background and social status of the persons. Influence of the group that one belongs will also have very good influence on the choice of the mode of transport. Age is also a factor that leads to difference in the choice of mode of transport by different persons. Above all the ego of a person also influences his choi ce of the mode of transport. The different theories that are related to buyer behaviour are seen in brief in this report. Then the different factors that lead to the behaviour of the buyers are seen. After carefully analysing those factors and theories it is integrated into the case of the chosen families to study how the buyer behaviour and the choice of mode of transport are interrelated. Brief accounts of the demographic element of the families are also given later on in the report. Literature framework The main theory that explains the human needs and buyer behaviour theory is Abraham Maslow's 'Need Hierarchy Theory'. Abraham Maslow classified human needs into 5 levels. Beginning from the lower level it is classified as