Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Buyer behaviour mkt 2240 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Buyer behaviour mkt 2240 - Essay Example "If a marketer can identify consumer buyer behaviour, he or she will be in a better position to target products and services at them. Buyer behaviour is focused upon the needs of individuals, groups and organisations." (Consumer Buyer Behaviour. 2007). Buyer behaviour is a result of the needs of the consumers. The behaviour of a buyer is his urge to satisfy his needs. The needs of a human being are classified into five by Abraham Maslow. The classification of needs by Maslow is Physiological, Security, Social, Esteem and Self Actualisation needs. According to him physiological need that is the need to satisfy his basic requirements such as food, water, cloth and shelter is the first need of a person. After that the need for safety arises and then the social, esteem and self actualisation needs arises. He says that person will show the urge for a particular need only when his lower level need is satisfied. There are also various other theories that speaks about buyer behaviour. There are many factors that constitute the behaviour of the buyers. Those factors are personality, culture, social groups, perception, attitude, social classes, reference groups etc. The needs of a person and the factors that affect the buyer behaviour are very closely related. If the marketers are really aware of what the needs of the consumers are they can launch their product in the market without any risk of slow movement of goods in the market. A careful and detailed market research will help the companies to understand the behaviour of the buyers properly. The basic motive behind all the buyer behaviour is to lead a better lifestyle. This research work looks into buyer behaviour on a different perspective. Here the interest of the persons for different modes of transport is studied in order to examine the different buyer behaviours. For this purpose of a sample of families from various background is taken to understand the factors that constitute various behaviours. The behaviour of the family is analysed on the basis of ego, attitude, reference groups, personality, attitudes, social classes and personality. Mode of transport is a good means to study how the behaviour of various persons changes at different situations. The choice of the mode of transport generally changes on the basis of the financial background and social status of the persons. Influence of the group that one belongs will also have very good influence on the choice of the mode of transport. Age is also a factor that leads to difference in the choice of mode of transport by different persons. Above all the ego of a person also influences his choi ce of the mode of transport. The different theories that are related to buyer behaviour are seen in brief in this report. Then the different factors that lead to the behaviour of the buyers are seen. After carefully analysing those factors and theories it is integrated into the case of the chosen families to study how the buyer behaviour and the choice of mode of transport are interrelated. Brief accounts of the demographic element of the families are also given later on in the report. Literature framework The main theory that explains the human needs and buyer behaviour theory is Abraham Maslow's 'Need Hierarchy Theory'. Abraham Maslow classified human needs into 5 levels. Beginning from the lower level it is classified as

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