Thursday, October 17, 2019

Close Analysis of Citizen Kane Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Close Analysis of Citizen Kane - Assignment Example Strong backlighting is applied in making the characters appear anonymous to the viewers; for example, when Kane is told that Mariah has been packing the entire morning. Smoke was filled in a room to illustrate the light beams that emanate from the projectors and the lamps. Cinematography utilizes great composition. This is effectively through mirror reflection. The reflection shows, analysis of the life of the characters, and also illustrating adequately composed image. The mirror enables the camera to illustrate several reflections of the characters. The inventive application of lighting and shadow in the film shows a genre that has dark and moody environment to illustrate mysterious and violent scenes. Like the scene where Kane tries in vain to convince Susan to stay. Classical Hollywood narrative is a concept applied in film history. The narrative illustrates both visual and sound techniques for developing motion pictures and production techniques in the American film sector, during the period â€Å"golden age of Hollywood.† Citizen Kane is classic film; this is because it was produced during the â€Å"golden age of Hollywood.† Classical film style applies the continuity editing principle. This is because the sound recording and the camera do not concentrate on themselves. In Citizen Kane, the cameras also focus on the background, like the several statues at the beginning of the clip. The classical narration has psychological motivation. This illustrates the human character will, towards a given goal. Kane illustrates the great desire to convince Susan not to leave. But, Susan has made up her mind to leave, despite the pleas of Kane. Classical Hollywood narrations have continuous time flow. The flow is only interrupted during flashback. Flashback is applied in Citizen Kane to show the memory sequence. Classical Hollywood overcomes the two

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